I think we have more than enough soap boxes already. Preaching at people doesn’t work. And violent revolution tends to put the next dictator in charge in the end. The biggest problem we have is the media both foreign and domestic benefits from playing us against each other. And we gleefully jump into their little game. Yes “the right” is worse but “the left” these days doesn’t do that much better. Kamela’s whole bid for presidency was “Trump is bad” She’s not wrong it’s just not a platform.
Speak to whoever you can, your neighbors and family whoever needs it. Speak with patience and compassion, don’t fall into the “orange man bad” trap, you’ll just end up in a rage cycle. Talk about the actual underlying issues. Find local ways to address them. Build from there. Bernie is 100% right, the only way out is through the grass roots. If we give up on that then the future is nothing but violence for them and violence for us.
Oh and stop the endless doomerism. It’s another peasant trap that the powers that be adore.
Hey we got our first illegal immigrant president, if that ain’t woke I don’t know what is.