He usually initiates the conversation, informing me he spotted a racoon in the back yard
I’m a childless cat dude, can I join?
I was laid off several several months ago, am kinda glad now
Passively informed is an understatement, also we’re supposed to be available to work at a moments call, with limited time off availability. Am I gonna just tell my boss I’m leaving early to go vote?
Ah fuck, that’s more terrifying than I’d imagined!
I’m more concerned about the indestructible glockroach!
Remindes me of how the patent for the first fire hydrant was destroyed in a fire
And the name of his first porno!
Proof that Michigan is the Florida for the north!
Especially in my city, whoever timed our traffic lights must have been drunk.
Well ya see, everything is super fucked, so I drink too much
Ehh, it’s probably becauseI I drink too much, because everything’s super fucked
I pledge my dissidence, to the flag
Of the divided states of America
And to the republic, that we have lost
A fractured nation, rebuked by God
With liberty and justice for rich white men.
But think of the industries, how will the CEO’s and shareholders buy their second yacht, if all the lowly employees got to live comfortably. The masses must suffer for the benefit of the few.
Struggles of being the smartest spicies on the planet.
An administration is more than a man, Trump with absolutely 0 political experience was able to keep the country rolling, albeit making awful decisions, then the current mental state of Biden means very little. Having said that, as someone who watched my grandfather pass from Alzheimer’s, it’s really sad to see.
Now that I’m in my thirties I no longer have to (can) jump