And lighter UI. Pretty important for when you’re on a system with limited ram, like the steam deck.
Average torrenting enjoyer.
And lighter UI. Pretty important for when you’re on a system with limited ram, like the steam deck.
Idk, it seems to me that all that “hamas killed innocent people” it’s just zionist propaganga, like the 40 babies decapitated ecc. If they’re lying about this, who’s to say they aren’t lying about everything else? I tend to try to ignore things that seems propaganda online
I don’t remember where I read that Israel used the Hannibal directive on october 7. Still, I don’t think Hamas is that bad. They fight for they country that’s being invaded. Everyone’s pro ukraine, but not pro palestine, why’s that?
Yeah, also to flash wled, meshtastic, esphome. Of course they can be done via terminal, but you get what I mean.
tbh the decks dac is surprisingly good- at least with my planar IEMs
Firefox doesnt support web serial.
Thts also what i do on hyprland too
they’re not in the defult repo :/
I got the email yesterday, after waiting for 2 days. But there’s basically nobody on there, yet. You’re not missing anything.
Ah, I also have the Huawei App Store and Huawei services for banking apps.
I have a completely de-googled phone. No meta apps. No google apps. But I do have RedNote. Long live the CCP!
I’m wrong or the whole thing of the USA is the “freedooom”?
Ah yes, freedoommm!!
Not really related to this, but Kotatsu, a manga reading app, let’s you selfhost the sync server and I find that amazing.