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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • Your “resources” were one opinion piece in an Australian tabloid and two complete non sequitur links about the opioid crisis. Are there pill mills giving stimulants to anyone with a pulse? Sure. Doesn’t take away from the efficacy of the medications. And it certainly doesn’t mean that the advances in actually diagnosing a disorder is secretly an evil pharmaceutical cabal out to get kids hooked on speed. Gtfo

  • Cool story bro. Just say you don’t believe that ADHD is real and we’re all just addicts. You’ve clearly already made up your mind and you’re cherry picking your sources to match your priors. There’s not a damn thing I or anyone else is gonna say that is going to make you see that medication is an effective treatment option though it doesn’t work for everyone.

  • You can get good grades and still constantly get called lazy, be berated for not applying yourself more. Constantly wondering why no matter how hard you try to still somehow don’t do any better than if you make no effort at all but whatever you still get good grades. Who cares if you leave all your assignments for the last minute and then finish them all in a panic the night before they’re due. Or if you just crutch on way too many energy drinks because they’re effectively the same thing as medication only way worse for you health wise because you have no concept of the fact that the reason you like them so much is they make your symptoms more manageable.

    Also, you know that stimulants aren’t the only treatment someone with ADHD gets right? When you know there’s a problem that isn’t just “you’re lazy” you can learn coping strategies that are worthless to people without ADHD and therefore nothing you’ll get yelled at to do by the adults in your life.

  • Of course. It’s not political if it’s just The Way Things Should Be™

    • The two Races: White and Political
    • The two Genders: Male and Political
    • The two Sexualities: Straight and Political

    Their views are never “political” because theirs is the “natural state” of things. They’re on top because they deserve to be, and they deserve to be on top because they are. It’s anything that deviates from that so-called natural state that’s being political.

  • Yeah that doesn’t surprise me at all. This has been his M.O. right along.

    1. Rule the most egregious shit that pretty much anyone can see where it leads.
    2. Call the opposition hysterical when they point out the logical conclusion of his ideas.
    3. Pretend to be shocked when the opposition is proved right if he acknowledges it at all.

    But hey, just calling Balls and Strikes guys. Nothing to see here.

  • #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
    Long long x = 0x7165498511230;
    while (x) putchar(32 + ((0xC894A7875116601 >> ((x >>= 4) & 15) * 7) & 0x7F));
    return 0;

    Might be wrong on a few things here as I haven’t done C++ in a while, but my understanding is this. I’m sure you can guess that this is just a very cheekily written while loop to print the characters of “Hello, World!” but how does it work? So first off, all ASCII characters have an integer value. That 32 there is the value for the space character. So depending on what ((0xC894A7875116601 >> ((x >>= 4) & 15) * 7) & 0x7F)) evaluates down into you’ll get different characters. The value for “H” for example is 72 so that first iteration we know that term somehow evaluated to the number 40 as 72 - 32 = 40.

    So how do we get there? That big number, 0xC894A7875116601 is getting shifted right some number of bits. Let’s start evaluating the parenthesis. (X >>= 4) means set x to be itself after bit shifting it right by 4 bits then whatever that number is we bitwise AND it with 15 or 1111 in binary. This essentially just means each iteration we discard the rightmost digit of 0x7165498511230, then pull out the new right most digit. So the first iteration the ((x >>= 4) & 15) term will evaluate to 3, then 2, then 1, then 1, etc until we run out of digits and the loop ends since effectively we’re just looking for x to be 0.

    Next we take that number and multiply it by 7. Simple enough, now for that first iteration we have 21. So we shift that 0xC894A7875116601 right 21 bits, then bitwise AND that against 0x7F or 0111 1111 in binary. Just like the last time this means we’re just pulling out the last 7 bits of whatever that ends up being. Meaning our final value for that expression is gonna be some number between 0 and 127 that is finally added to 32 to tell us our character to print.

    There are only 10 unique characters in “Hello, World!” So they just assigned each one a digit 0-9, making 0x7165498511230 essentially “0xdlroW ,olleH!” The first assignment happens before the first read, and the loop has a final iteration with x = 0 before it terminates. Which is how the “!” gets from one end to the other. So they took the decimal values for all those ASCII characters, subtracted 32 then smushed them all together in 7 bit chunks to make 0xC894A7875116601 the space is kinda hidden in the encoding since it was assigned 9 putting it right at the end which with the expression being 32 + stuff makes it 0 and there’s an infinitely assumed parade of 0s to the left of the C.

  • It’s not a thing in the sense of it being some innate part of the universe. But it’s very real in the sense of societal expectations. It’s all our natural differences, but Neurotypical is just the acceptable amount of difference that society is built around and caters to. If you fall outside of that you’re neurodivergent. Of course people aren’t sorted into playing life on easy mode; their level of difference simply naturally falls in that acceptable range. They don’t have to think about it like someone else might because it just comes naturally to them. It’s considered a disability because everyone is expected to operate inside of that acceptable range and if you can’t then you’re broken according to society.