Biology: Study of a subsection of Chemistry
Chemistry: Study of a subsection of Physics
Physics: Study of a subsection of Math
Math: Study of a subsection of Philosophy
Do I have to?
Ok, fine. But you’ll have to sing some good cadences
Closed for Saturnalia
MFs covered me in ERA when I fell asleep first at the party
Don’t worry, that’s the pilots old lucky cumrag. Stiff as a board, it won’t unfurl any time soon
I like how without context that comment implies that the scooter was turned into some sort of ground based drone that autonomously drove up to the guy before exploding
Plot twist: That reading is in Bar
Whenever I see government officials mess up I get reminded of the famous Marcus Aurelius quote:
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”
Which I think sums it up perfectly
I have a theory that would satisfy both your concerns. He has the fridge full of beer, chilled and ready to drink.
Once people start taking them out you put the one’s from the counter in to cool down
It’s just weird how he did all of that in the 1960’s
I work in conjunction with small claim courts and it often surprises people how informal it can get. In the situation you describe the judge might just straight up tell Starbucks “You are a billion dollar company, the rules apply differently to you than to a small local business”
"Russians be like
1 Hungarians"?
You guys use deci liter?
What’s with the wording of this title? “Unhoused people” instead of “Homeless”/“Homeless people”
Please do not publicize the location and movement of active troops, mkay?
Nice, we’re finally getting unironical r/im14andthisisdeep. Few more years and this site will have all the shit people left reddit for.