False. Boofing was invented in soviet russia during the great vodka drought. It is pure communism. Unrivalled resource distribution and efficiency.
One bottle for 100 comrades
Proud to be woke
False. Boofing was invented in soviet russia during the great vodka drought. It is pure communism. Unrivalled resource distribution and efficiency.
One bottle for 100 comrades
It’s called boofing
Yes, I said it has most sane immigration policies. Only letting in the most poor people from Middle East we can lay the claim to national superiority. The rest of the xenophobic EU is closing borders…
Don’t need luck when you are rich honey. It’s baked in
Life after Zionism
Open your eyes and asshole and accept the dildo of truth
Behind the scenes it still is. The brexit was just a capitalist agenda aimed to fool the masses.
Cats can thrive on vegan diets perfectly well. Mine is still with me since like 4 years and didn’t eat a single animal protein in that time…
It’s called being a responsible human and minimizing suffering.
Britain has the most sane immigration policies in EU currently. It truly is an advanced country compared to many other Western European states.
Of course I am serious…
Idk why you thought throwing racism here is a bright idea tbh
Effectively it changes because we live in post truth society. It doesn’t matter anymore what was the original meaning of the word except to some few nerds that no one listens to anyway. That have phd in politics or something equally useless and cringe.
I wish people stayed true to the original definition of words. Politics would be much easier to navigate. But alas who doesn’t do social manipulation these days: We are freedom fighters except we hate lgbt and are pro Catholicism and some even want return of monarchy vote for us!
Liberalism or rather liberal social democracy is greatest system ever devised. I cherish it every single day like a treasure of humanity it is.
It’s so good everyone tries to get here from all over the world to partake in it and I welcome them if they are willing to obey basic rules and integrate.
Woe to communists and facists alike
Idk why you guys are so obsessed about millionaires here. We aren’t some evil devils that you can put all the blame for your problems on. It’s just life some are wealthier some are poorer. It was like that since forever and it will be like this forever except in this system you also have a chance for success unlike feudalism where everything was 100% predetermined.
In literally every system that ever existed there was someone wealthier and someone poorer what matters is the dynamics, can the poorer become wealthy, can the wealthy lose money if they stop being productive proportionally to their wealth? This is the problem
Every parent wants to spoil their kids. So they have it better than they had at their age. It’s just how it is. Your parents couldn’t afford Lego? You will buy the biggest set etc
It’s such a convoluted philosophy it’s impossible to even say what it is because it means ten different things for ten different countries. In my country they are weird amalgamation of monarchists, conservatives and ultra-capitalist catholics but in Russia they like fight for lgbt rights.
Don’t tell me what to do