The issue isn’t the fact that the world is bad; it’s the fact that there are evil people out there actively trying to make it worse (Trump, Putin, etc). I feel like it would be a lot easier to cope with a bad world compared to an evil one.
wiki-user: Emerald
The issue isn’t the fact that the world is bad; it’s the fact that there are evil people out there actively trying to make it worse (Trump, Putin, etc). I feel like it would be a lot easier to cope with a bad world compared to an evil one.
That site is an absolute mess!
Yep. Like uppercase and lowercase letters. Cause back when type was metal the uppercase letters were in the upper case. And the lowercase letters were in the lower drawers.
and the students graduating college now weren’t alive for 9/11.
Aw man that sucks. Every kid should get to experience the wonderful 9/11. Truly a shame they can’t anymore.
I remember one time in school this kid came across the Zombo website and kept asking everyone “what is zombo com??” unironically. I just said “it’s zombo com”
let the Red ones rot in their ancap dystopias?
Because there will be a lot of people in those areas who are not happy living under an ancap dystopia. Those states may even try to trap them there like Texas wants to do.
Imagine a couple moved to one of these ancap dystopias and have a kid. That kid turns out to be a big leftist and they hate not having rights.
We can’t just forget about the other states and only care about some. At that point, you can consider the United States to have fallen.
why do i relate to like every adhd meme?