Appeal to logic
Appeal to logic
I’ve never seen a kid without a phone attached
Even so, you could drape a blanket over 3 of them and you’ve got yourself a free tent, so your question still stands. The dude’s just an asshole
Thought it said labradors and thought this post was written by a dog criticizing human politics compared to their dog politics between themselves and their owners
You must have a lot of gold necklaces
It’s like saying “bless you” when someone sneezes
You’re also on Lemmy so not exactly a fair sample demographic
And what’s most uplifting is that of all the replies expressing disagreement, yours was the only disrespectful one
For those who don’t know, ftwdk means “for those who don’t know”
For context, the manga is titled The Enigma of Amigara Fault
The person in the image in the OP also says “You’re an immature child” in their response. So the person you responded to was just joking, presumably