Ich kam, ich sah, ich maimaite.
It just went way too emotional, so I changed it,.
Read the other comments I made for explanation…
Dump idea in these times, I agree…
I changed it because people, voted to irrationally in my opinion…
No I am not republican, it’s just a no good voting system…
True, but you know, the other ones are just democratic republicans…
The two party system syndrome…
Edith: Trump is a dip shit, it’s just about, it’s all about a manipulative two party system…
Dude I am European, and definitely not Republican, but you can vote for republican or democratic Republican, in my point of view, but thanks for the trash I try taking it out for you.
I’ve never been in, nor contemplated the possible existence of, a situation where picking the less bad option was infinitely better than picking the most bad option. Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up.
Edit: That’s sad but true.
That’s clearly is a Postlope.
Germ ants those are rare…
The truth never helped, with these people…
Plus don’t pronounce ‘caution’ so ruff.
I go fsck myself, have a nice day
Psst, the Angelsachsen are reading!
Thx and good bye.