I think people are overestimating how much stock any chain has for a specific item at any given moment. It’s really not that impressive that specific color of a specific sweater can sell out quickly because of a meme. This is just clickbait.
I think people are overestimating how much stock any chain has for a specific item at any given moment. It’s really not that impressive that specific color of a specific sweater can sell out quickly because of a meme. This is just clickbait.
That’s suppose to be Santa?
I don’t have anything and I never will because I’m never getting tested. I did get “classified” and never had a fair chance at a real education. Even failure meant I needed to be in the program and every success showed how well the program was working. I grew up thinking I would only be a drag on other people. In high school, I decided to start feeling better about myself. Something those years of being removed from class so I could have meaningless conversations with the school therapist never could. I thought the school would support my efforts to fix my education, but I only got pushed down, told “I would be happier without the risk of failure”, lied to about classes being full, withheld test results when I tried testing into better classes. I would like nothing more then to get the diploma revoked and seeing as how I never fulfilled the basic state requirements, I should be able to, but like with most things, the written law doesn’t matter if no one is willing to enforce it.
Fuck my school. Fuck the “team building” exercises they made me do. Fuck the “opportunities” they provided for me.
meh. Christianity hijacked Pagan Winter Solstice traditions and some historians even think Jesus was actually born around September. The bible flat out forbids Christmas trees(Jeremiah 10:1-4).
meh, close enough.
They should say that then. If I in this position, I’d be asking for help as well. If I’m at a big box hardware store, I’d look it up on their website because they actually do list aisle things are suppose to be in. Suppose. I have had times where the web listing was much different then the database the employees have access to.
They also voted for Bush II’s wars with money borrowed from a generation that couldn’t vote yet.
Also with Trump, Regan… the list goes on.
Now that the election(and America) is over, I’m willing to openly agree with Biden being in mentally not there. Gerontocracy always lead to a decline in a nation.
If it’s acceptable to have a minimum age to vote or hold office, it should also be acceptable to have a maximum age. Retired senior citizens shouldn’t get to decide matters such as worker’s rights or environmental issues.
that… hasn’t been my experience. Gardening shoves are in the gardening section and shovels for wet concrete are next to the bags of concrete.
You google what aisle the butter is in?
Probably, but I haven’t heard much from him in a while. In my defense, if he has done something terrible recently, a lot of terrible things have been happening. It’s hard to keep track.
Now that the election is over, I’m also willing to throw Biden on the pile. More then a few times in the past few years, he’s done things that remind of me of my old, conservative acquaintances. Biden pardoning the Kids for Cash asshole cemented that.
Her aids were probably running the show for years. What happens with these congress critters is that they create a support network around themselves to do the real work while they campaign for the next election. It gets to the point that the congress member themselves becomes superfluous. If it goes on long enough, they fall into dementia, but the aids don’t want to start over again with someone new, so they just tote their boss around from time to time like Weekend at Burnie’s. It happened with Dianne Feinstein. It’s probably happening with Mitch McConnell.
He’s a boomer and his brother is a small business owner. Their only hardships have come from petty disputes with the township over signage. This same guy, without any irony, said that the only unions we still need anymore are teacher’s unions. Surprised that bootlicker didn’t include police unions.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you public schools teach liberalism. This happened while the science teachers would tiptoe around outright saying that climate change was real.
Bet the toilet is broken. If the float catches something, it will continuously fill and drain.
My highschool civics teacher, who once told the class that everyone becomes more conservative with age and income, will be pinning this to the wall of the classroom.
You think press people weren’t being targeted by the end? The press ops pictures were from the beginning, but very quickly, the cops started beating and arresting journalists once they started putting tape over their badges.
There were a few pictures during the BLM protests were the cops were friendly with the protesters. Reportedly, the cops beat the protesters right after the press left.
I’ve never even heard that line in anything I watch. If I see thumbnail faces, I instantly block the whole channel.