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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2024


  • Just wait some years - they have solid state batteries close to industry ready. That means huge increase in capacity and no issues with temperature.

    Next stage will be structural batteries where you take the structure as battery. For a tank that means all the armour will be charged and work as battery. Just a matter of years.

    Loading time is solved already. It’s a matter of battery temperature while infusing power and solved by battery management software.

    Any idea why the Boston Dynamics robots aren’t on a battle field? I mean the do incredible stunts. It‘s the battery. Lasts for around 2-3 hours. Today. Military is working on that, I‘m pretty sure.

  • Battery costs are going down rapidly. And just see LithiumNatrium-Solid state batteries next years. (I‘m not saying Lithium-Ion that we use in our electronics nowadays) LithiumNatrium is fck cheap, doesn’t burn fast, low loss at winter.

    Germany shut down nuclear last year entirely and is closing coal mines very soon (by 2030). That is an adventurous path for sure. Fall back is gas only.

    However, I see France has serious issues with nuclear in summer time (too hot rivers - nuclear plants need to stop & too costly - power company was bankrupt and bailed off/ socialized by government).

    I see our strategic dependency on Russian gas, which makes us attackable.

    In my opinion, renewables in a decentralized manner with many local storages will make your economy more robust and energy cheap. Technically this is a challenge, but which engineers can solve that if not German engineers?

    Edit: And this decentralized production will be an advantage when your heating and transportation move to electric as well. In this case Germany, that hasn’t oil, gas, and uranium is more self-reliant and independent.

  • You didn’t get my point that I didn’t neglect it. I just mentioned that it also saved Europe of being enslaved by ancient Roman Empire.

    Later Christianity changed it‘s view on slaves and invented Rassism for put Africans and American natives into slavery. Ever heard of Spanish-born of French men slaves in Americas?

    And to make it even less black/white or god/bad, some more nuances: Habe you heard of Munch armies in Americas? Or were it soldiers? Do you draw any difference between governments, church, and religion?

  • Christianity saved many lives for slavery. If you think back to Roman empire, this was build on human bodies. Many slaves from conquered countries working on farms and construction sites for Governmental sake. Even Romans could fell to slavery through debts. Unfortunately, it poor countries it still happens that parents sell their kids or even sell themselves (think about Bangladeshis, Bhirmese or Pakistani in Emirates, Khatar or Thailand) That way of society was stopped by Christianity. Btw Islam, Buddism, and Confucianism stopped it as well.

    You might argue that slavery was active in the New World. Yes, indeed and it was against the Christianity. Out of this moral dilemma the European thinkers „invented“ Rassism to make slaves non human and being able to resell slaves from Africa to Americas. And guess who sold the slaves in Africa to the European merchants?

    I know this is outside your comfort zone of thinking. It’s just a little brain gymnastic for you.