“Awesome Human” also works!
Doesn’t matter how the stranger IDs, they’re human, and who doesn’t like to be considered awesome.
Just your average urban druid interested in technology and quantum field theory.
“Awesome Human” also works!
Doesn’t matter how the stranger IDs, they’re human, and who doesn’t like to be considered awesome.
Can confirm!
I work in an industry that has to sell devices in China, and the hoops our clients have to jump through just to submit for approval are numerous.
Vans don’t have trunks asshole!
(A paraphrasing of “Castles don’t have phones asshole!” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show …)
As a kid we went to the University of Michigan hospital every six months for my brother.
One visit we go to the cafeteria for lunch as usual, and there were signs everywhere warning that microwave ovens were in use!
My mom asked one of the staffers what the signs were for and she told us that it turns out these new devices could affect pacemakers in a real bad way.
“We found out the hard way when a few patients went into cardiac arrest right here in the cafeteria! Took them awhile to connect the dots…”
“Oh my god,” my mom said! “Did you lose anyone?”
“Oh no honey…there ain’t no better place to have one of those than in a hospital!”
It would be years before we got one at home, and nobody we knew had a pacemaker.
Ha! I thought that sounded like a “Twister” movie reference.
I appreciate your optimism by using the singular…
And “1984” was a warning, not a “How To”…
I wholeheartedly agree!
I guess they just don’t have any other curated content to fill that space… /s
I’m not a fan either, but according to Apple their main News posts are “curated” by staffers.
Therefore it’s not an algorithm that can filter out certain topics and sites per your preferences. If they decide a post is newsworthy in the main area, and it just happens to be from a blocked site, you see that.
My very first thought was, “Is this guys tweet quoting an Onion article?”
“Let’s face it: If you’re over the age of 50 ‘Healthy’ is just a pre-cancerous condition.” — Drew Hastings, Comedian
By “her” do you mean Caitlin or Kamala? It’s really not clear, but I think you mean Caitlin.
Altercation at Arlington National Cemetery
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s campaign was warned about not taking photographs before an altercation at Arlington National Cemetery during a wreath-laying ceremony earlier this week to honor service members killed in the Afghanistan War withdrawal, a defense official told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Because the C+ List celebs won’t touch weird creepy Donald Trump!
My mom just used peanut butter to stuff celery. This sounds like a horrible mother…
To correctly number them…
Sharknado 9: It’s Cocaine Time!
(An IMDB search for the titular name shows eight TV Movies/Specials.)
So you’re saying that JD Vance is weird?
JD Vance fucked a couch, not a sofa.