Im someone who likes to shoot a gun at targets at the range. I find it SO creepy and unnerving when it becomes clear that someone would like to shoot at a person. They don’t usually outright say it, but some make it clear in other ways.
Im someone who likes to shoot a gun at targets at the range. I find it SO creepy and unnerving when it becomes clear that someone would like to shoot at a person. They don’t usually outright say it, but some make it clear in other ways.
It is indeed more than one out of twelve. Idk why i thought that might be of interest, just a fun fact
Super stupid. Most everyone who wears a mask wears it for medical reasons. It’s none of our business whether they’re disabled or just don’t want to catch/spread a cold. It’s not even our business if they’re wearing it for non-medical reasons- I’m sometimes more comfortable in public in a mask and sunglasses so I don’t have to autism-mask as much.
I’ve gotten most of my yoga instructions from Wii fit lmao. But there’s a YouTuber that does workouts that I’ve liked, she seems to do yoga too Rule of thumb is, if something hurts in your joints rather than in your muscles or tendons, you’re doing it wrong. I think the injury risk for yoga is pretty low though.
But do they actually read and watch the books and dvds? Cause my mom doesn’t read, so books are just decorations to her
My mum used to do this to my books in my room and I hated it
Im lucky that I’m incredibly lazy
Do you maybe have the ability to try other things too, like cycling, swimming or YouTube-guided yoga?
Did anyone else go from
holy shit I cannot believe how god damn much this actually improves everything
over the course of like a few months?
Are you talking about irl Linux spaces? It that a thing? If not, how do you know there aren’t women in online Linux spaces? Fwiw I’m afab nb
Holy shit really? I could get a pistol for 400€. Is there some kind of monopoly stuff going on that tries to reserve weapons for the rich?
Edit: did a quick search and found one a lightly used one for 130€
So this is how I find out I’ve also been doing high fives wrong half the time ;_;
I’ve always been torn on whether it’s supposed to be a high five or praying hands. Is thank you really a common meaning?
Emojis are pretty hard for my autistic ass.
Normal enough for adhd that it was even one of my assessment questions!
‘Privileged’ isn’t something that you either are or aren’t, and it’s not productive to blanket state some are privileged and some aren’t.
Example: I’m queer and white. I have white privilege, but some people have straight privilege over me.
Every human suffers. Some people who objectively have more privilege than most will read something like this and think they can’t be part of ‘the privileged’ because they’ve suffered or they’ve had to work for things others were just handed, so therefore, they’re ‘the non-privileged’, and if they can handle it, the other non-privileged can, too.
Take, for example, many non-college-educated people in their 50s or 60s who managed to safe up for a house through hard work, and now think the young or immigrants are lazy because ‘if I managed it through hard work, why can’t they?’
The way the last comment frames it as ‘the privileged’ precisely plays into the problem it’s addressing.
Only way that worked for me was specifically seeking out psychs who specifically treat adult adhd. You unfortunately have to rely on either word of mouth or rating websites for doctors, and neither are reliably available.
Yeah I’ve heard before that in some place, adhd was just a label slapped on unruly kids in some places. That’s certainly part of where the stigma comes from and why some parents are so against their child getting diagnosed. But adhd is a genuine issue, and two wrongs (misdiagnoses and refusal to diagnose those who actually have it) don’t make a right.
I don’t know you, but the way you’re wondering about it seems like a sign you’re a good parent. Especially in combination with the knowledge of what your parents did wrong (whether or not they meant to).
Nice, thanks for the tip! Also thanks for going through the trouble of finding out for me, I appreciate it! I’m unfortunately in one of the regions where it’s specifically not available. But the second phone thing might be an option. That, or just a compatibility layer with regular old android after all.
That last thing you said is SO spot on. If you don’t already pretty much know that you have adhd (or other types of neurodivergence that you can somewhat mask), there’s no way anyone else will ever consider it. Doctors and teachers aren’t usually trained for it, and even if they are, parents are likely to reject the possibility because of the stigma. Plus, adult adhd hasn’t been recognized for all that long, so plenty of doctors that don’t keep up with science after they graduate just insist that it’s not a thing.
You basically have to specifically know that you have adhd and that you want treatment, and then you can start to look for professionals who specifically diagnose treat adult adhd. They’re few and far between pretty much everywhere. If you’re in a place where you need a referral, good luck also convincing your GP (I never told mine I needed the referral for adhd, I let him assume it’s depression again. Though my psych said I don’t HAVE to have a referral, it’ll just be easier for them, insurance-paperwork wise).
Took me until my 20s to figure out that this is why I look like shit in close up photos. Phone cameras make my nose look suuuper disproportionately large. It’s a relief that I look better irl.