“We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.”
“We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.”
You are just being pedantic. Food insecurity is the term used for people who may have to skip meals because they lack money to but it, it is not provided by programs in schools/communities, or they have food but it is inadequate to meet their dietary needs to grow/develope or even live.
So yes you could not be “starving”, as you put it, because you can go to the corner store or whatever and buy a candy bar, but that doesn’t mean that same candy bar is going to sustain you. You body will starve because it lacks vital nutrients.
Do better.
12% of the population of the US would like to have a word with you.
Putting a little Hauk Tuah on that 50.
If they float, it typically means the person is consuming too much fat in their diet. Not always but moat times.