A high quality jpg looks good. The 100th compression into a jpg looks bad.
Sure, my price is making enough money on my first day there to solve world hunger.
Yeah, the CEO really shouldn’t have hated poor people as much as he did. Could have avoided all of this.
In a classless stateless utopia where food was free and no one had to work it would still be considered polite and common courtesy to put away your shopping cart when you’re done using it at the local food co-op.
The floor shitting analogy is that we shouldn’t have people doing something rude just because it creates or maintains another job. Everyone can agree on the floor shitting analogy and it maps perfectly onto this argument. If you want you can add a preamble of “in this world, everyone used to shit on floors and there was a janitorial staff to clean it up.”
They put on self-service tills in the hope that folk would do it free. When they used to hire 30 checkout staff, they now hire 2 per 12 tills, so they save on 20 checkout staff per shift. Of course they weren’t redeployed to shelf stacking, as they already had shelf stackers. They just went to the job centre.
So by this logic you want gas station attendants back at gas stations, and for people to stop using ATM machines in favor of tellers? Maybe we shouldn’t use computers because of all of the stenography and data management jobs that were lost, not to mention all of the paper mills that were shut down as people moved away from using so much paper. As you see, jobs appear and disappear all the time. Why do you want people doing meaningless redundant jobs for the sake of their employment? That’s just cruel.
Maybe we should bring back the lamplighter guild and get back to using horses. Gas lights and carriages created a lot of jobs that were rudely snuffed out.
Well, it’s kind of a choice kind of material conditions. China’s become prosperous and educated. Their citizens are starting to demand imports and better jobs. It’s not going to give up the manufacturing game for many decades but it’s definitely ramping down whether it wants to or not. It’s not really a problem for western consumption, there are plenty of struggling countries with cheap/free labor to exploit around the world.
“I will not comply in serving the capitalist class!” I screech, as I shit on the floor of a Wendy’s. “The so called “efficiencies” of a toilet only serve to annihilate the jobs once held by the noble proletariat janitors!” I yell as the police drag me out of the establishment.
And China’s been eyeing up moving out of the manufacturing game, which will be a wrench in our plans.
“I’m a job creator!” I yell, as I shit on the floor of the DMV. “If everyone did this they would have to hire more janitors!” The police drag me away. “I’m opening new avenues for employment in our police department!”
You could have 30 clips break and it would still be cheaper.
Is there any chance that the terrorism charge is so ridiculous that it actually strengthens Luigi’s case and makes his defense better?
That has forever been the fallacy.
The poor won’t die in the apocalypse leaving only the rich behind. The poor will die, and the rich will be faced with the harsh reality that they needed an army of poor working under them to sustain themselves, leading them to all die within the generation.
Unfortunately, the people doing it are the media It’s a quintessential “man bites dog” story. Normally it’s the insurance companies killing civilians. Everyone is going to cover it. The police had a manhunt because it would look ridiculous if they didn’t solve such a high-profile case.
It’s kind of a symbiotic relationship, the media covers it, the police react harshly, the media covers it more.
You can’t compare how anyone feels at all. Feelings are subjective, relative, and are only able to be compared by actions (including words). Even then they are famously difficult to communicate and compare. All I’m saying is that if you’re going down that road you quickly hit the “technically we can’t compare anything” wall.
So you’re either stuck floating in apathy, being able to react to anything with “meh, we can’t really know anything.” Or you have to infer feelings based on actions and words.
Hell, I’m not even going to the mat for Luigi in particular, I just thought your response was silly. Actions alone can’t compare how people feel, but unfortunately for us actions alone are all we have to compare.
As many people say, the horror of the Nazis wasn’t just that they killed so many people, but that they industrialized it, turned it into an inhuman factory process like they were mass-producing shoes.
In a similar way we have modern corporations that have brought neo liberal styles to the idea of murder. Instead of the industrial style of the Nazis, this style serves to alienate the murder from the murderer, putting a price tag on deaths and profiting from the lives they’re destroying all veiled by the size of these companies and the corporate double-speak that places all the lives they have control over into their sterile profit-centered game they play.
Meh, that makes your point even more invalid than mine. Anyone could do anything for any reason and there’s no real way to know anything for sure. Might as well sit in my room watching paint dry.
I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of my cat outlined by my scratch scars when he passes.
I dream of a road paved with deer.
Evidently you don’t feel as strongly as he did to throw his privileged life away.
Those look so much more like nose hairs than a mustache