As a fellow European, you turning an obvious joke into some weird flex on Americans is cringe af.
As a fellow European, you turning an obvious joke into some weird flex on Americans is cringe af.
All of that sounds good, except mayo, but I’m also not a (warm) mayo fan.
Got a friend who eats mayo on pizza. Trying to not be judgey, but I did gag a little just hearing it.
Fyi it could be filters need changing. Right now if we turn on the aircon at work, I get terribly sore throat that would last for days. Turns out they change/clean the filters only once a year, and it’s even worse in some other rooms where it also smells bad.
Right? No matter what I wear, I’ll inevitably start freezing/being cold, especially my feet which I can’t just put extra layers on. Add to that eyes watering intensely in the cold, windy weather, plus runny nose, so can’t wear anything over it for any extended time, lest I bathe my face in snot. No, thank you. Give me summer and a fan.
Not a theist, so I’m not defending the potential existence of “my god”.
Lack of evidence, however, doesn’t always mean something doesn’t exist or hasn’t happened. If John killed Jake and destroyed or hid the evidence, and based on that wasn’t found guilty, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t do it. It simply means no substantial evidence has been found to prove it (yet).
If you want to take your example further, it’s quite possible to find out years or decades later that drug is in fact harmful, it just took time for the side-effects to show, or rather we simply didn’t have the right technology to come to that conclusion earlier. (Though far less likely for this scenario to happen with modern science.)
Also, the existence of science or established set of natural laws, and absence of supernatural does not rule out existence of an uninvolved or uncaring creator.
Aww, I used to play this on my keyboard some 15 years ago. Fun times.