Moissanite: chemical formula SiC, not pure carbon. 60/100
Lonsdaleite: chemical formula C, pure carbon, hexagonal crystal structure, naturally created by meteorite impacts, synthetic versions are harder than diamonds. Awesome/100.
Moissanite: chemical formula SiC, not pure carbon. 60/100
Lonsdaleite: chemical formula C, pure carbon, hexagonal crystal structure, naturally created by meteorite impacts, synthetic versions are harder than diamonds. Awesome/100.
Are the top and bottom two different programs? What’s going on here?
Is this like the Stalin sort?
Closely related to that:
Was this article generated by AI?
Those forward wing things are called canards. 3 modern fighters have them.
No? What does Mr. Rogers have to do with leopards? Tigers I can see, but these aren’t those.
Still faster than Windows
It’s very energizing too
AI? In medical research? But rulers!!!
Gonna be like the Vietnam War. High tech powerful army vs low tech actually competent guerrillas. Amish gonna win.
No! Clearly Harpo was one of the founding members of the Communist party!