I guess some people might go with f-s-tayb, but I wouldn’t necessary recognise what they were saying.
New account since lemmyrs.org went down, other @Deebster
s are available.
I guess some people might go with f-s-tayb, but I wouldn’t necessary recognise what they were saying.
Lots of the industrial programming languages are very different to “normal”/“proper” programming languages, and I can see them being localised.
For example, this is (PLC programming language) Ladder Logic code:
The oldest known container: github.com/bib/Jonah/Dockerfile
I thought we were finally agreeing fully! My understanding of the question is “what is the difference between a third (of a pizza, say) and a half?”
1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6
1/2 = 1/3 + 1/6
a half is one sixth more than a third.
btw, I fixed my Kagi screenshot since I’d missed a word from the question (reading comprehension’s clearly not my strong point today)
Ah, you’re right - I misunderstood jbrain’s point to just be about the “relative to the original” understanding. Guess I’m no smarter than Google’s AI.
The ExplainXKCD is great:
In truth, no such spoon is present on the probe, and Europa’s icy crust is too thick to be penetrated by a spoon of such size.
The author is either being very tongue-in-cheek or very literal and humourless and I’m enjoying it both ways.
Yes, and the Google AI response is correct (and quite clear) in what it says. edit: Thanks Batman. I mean that Google’s understanding of the question is logical (although still the maths is wrong as you say (now I’ve re-read you)) and its answer explained the angle it was answering from.
However, I think the reasonable assumption for the intention behind the question is relative to a whole. I had third of a pizza, and now I have an extra sixth of a pizza. It’s subtle, but that’s the kind of thing AI falls down on.
Google’s AI seems dumber than the rest, for example here’s Kagi answering the same (using Claude):
edit: typoed question originally
Perhaps Google’s tried to make it run too cheaply - Kagi’s one doesn’t run unless you ask for it, and as a paid product it’ll have different priorities.
I’m more surprised that trapeziums aren’t related to triangles.
Vulnerable: VHD PTZ camera firmware < 6.3.40 used in PTZOptics, Multicam Systems SAS, and SMTAV Corporation devices based on Hisilicon Hi3516A V600 SoC V60, V61, and V63
It looks like they’re using AI correctly: to identify patterns in huge amounts of data.
I think they’d struggle to mention their own name more often in that article.
Why is a judge allowed to compete?
My (ISO) keyboards do, under the Esc key. I guess you’re in North America (or Australia) and have an ANSI layout.
Others have answered, but the UK has been rabies free for over a century!
The British Isles (GB and Ireland) have been rabies free since the disease was eradicated in terrestrial animals in 1922.
forcing passengers to flee
Err, why? We know they’re not rabid since it’s the UK, so why not just ignore them?
Well yeah, you need to do the computation somewhere and it’s not doing it on the server so…
A little disappointing that this isn’t mechanophilia. Anyone see David Cronenberg’s film Crash?
I thought the “after a few pints” bit explained that already!
I like that that article has as one of its first sections “How do you donate your body to science?”.
It’s the meme version of a laugh track