The last panel applies to every other social media, just replace the spying country.
The last panel applies to every other social media, just replace the spying country.
Metalingus by Alter Bridge, gotta get me in a fighting mood.
I guess you haven’t had bad hemorrhoids yet, lucky you.
Well, yes, and because of that they are getting worse over time. There are still good movies, but the percentage of crap grows.
Games too are kinda both and since capitalism realized the earning potential, a lot of them turned to mtx shit.
Once stuff gets made by suits, it’s shit.
I think they want to intimidate others, but honestly giving him this much of a spotlight should be the dream of anyone thinking about attacking another CEO for attention.
That’s basically how ‘Pokemon Channel’ played.
Ah, yes, Among Us, truly the most killer-y game of all killer games. Only a truly nefarious person would play that. In case they got the wrong guy, we should search the small group of other people who willingly played this dreadful game.
Do I even need a /s?
I never had one in the first place and I’ve seen way too many of them.
There’s probably another rule about him being able to join any game he wants. Kinda like you cannot hide his Xcretions.
Okay, I misread that. But two too many implies a third level, otherwise there would be no joke left.
Too many levels? …like, two? Glory holes and duck penises. Am I missing something?
Ito often works like Lovecraft, being drawn to something irrational you cannot understand is the whole point. It’s also heavily utilized in Uzumaki. The body horror is just the cherry on top.
The sensation is quite common for a lot of people, think of “l’appel du vide” (call of the void) or intrusive thoughts in general.
I’ve got class war, which is a real doozy.
In theory, other elements are possible. There’s even a list available on wikipedia.
Don’t apologize, I didn’t mean to invalidate your thoughts. Until we’ve found other life, everything is possible. Maybe they all are slightly different humanoids with similar problems. In fact, many theories about why we haven’t found anything yet are based on the very same assumption.
I just meant to add some additional food for thought.
That is a very human centric way to approach it. For starters, we don’t even know if other life has to be carbon based, let alone in which environments it exists. There could be an entirely different ruleset to their reproduction and of course their society. And even ignoring all these things, they could simply advance a lot faster, outpacing climate change and declining populations. Heck, we could be outpacing these problems if we never stopped puring endless ressources into space travel, but alas, capitalism deemed it unworthy.
The colouring is shit, MacOS turns red at its peak. So, was it good or bad at that moment?
Maybe he was speaking about trans people all along.
They what? Why didn’t any of my fellow Germans tell me?
Most jobs, at least the better paying ones, include 6 weeks of vacation. However, you can use them all at once.
There are multiple instances pushing propaganda and most data can just be scraped by bots. It may be harder, but capitalism finds a way.