Thompson’s life may have been cut brutally short, but it will remain a model for how a talented and determined man from humble roots can still rise to the top of corporate life without the benefit of rich parents and an Ivy League degree.
Lol, was this meant for the onion?
“He managed to get filthy rich off the suffering of working class people. What a working class hero. Truly a huge inspiration for all of us.”
If murder of a minority group was legalized and someone decided to murder their innocent neighbors and steal their stuff to make a buck, would all of the responsibility really fall on the legislator and none on the murderer?
Imo an immoral act stays immoral whether or not it’s encouraged or discouraged by the government or social environment. I find it somewhat more understandable how people can carry out something cruel if it’s legal and completely normalized, but “It’s not their fault” is much more apologetic than I’m comfortable with. Especially when they make millions off the suffering and deaths of other people (due to inadequate medical care).