Just like phylogenetics and moleculargenetics are both biology, but astrophysics is not, though all 3 are natural sciences.
Just like phylogenetics and moleculargenetics are both biology, but astrophysics is not, though all 3 are natural sciences.
Isn’t brass more commonly used?
In case you aren’t aware and interested in hearing an opinion on that statement, here it goes.
A lot of people might find it offensive and dismissive. The obvious issue with it is that it is extreme by including “everyone” and “all their failures in life” and saying that one issue is blamed for it entirely. That is just not true. I understand that it could be taken as a figure of speech and that the reader is to understand that not literally everyone and all of their failures, but I disagree with even a figurative interpretation. In my experience, few people attribute most of their lifelong issues to ADHD. Out of that small set of individuals that do attribute issues to ADHD, many of them are valid, while some are likely removing any accountability from their own choices. Yes, it is likely that some people avoid taking responsibility and therefore seek unnecessary accommodations from others for their lack of effort by placing blame on a mental health diagnosis that they might not even have. However, it is my belief that the majority of people don’t do that. ADHD is a mental health condition/neurotype that affects every single aspect of a person’s life. A person isn’t ADHD in only school or work. They are ADHD when they complete daily tasks, socialize, read a book, follow instructions, visit the doctor, place their keys down, etc. ADHD truly does affect every area of their in a world that is designed for people that are not ADHD, so they end up violating cultural norms and performing subobtimally in comparison to their peers. When someone with ADHD states that their entire lives are affected by it, they are not exaggerating. Stating that everyone blames all of their failures in life on ADHD is dismissive of their difficulties and can appear aloof, insensitive, privileged, or malicious. Statements like that can drive away understanding, compassionate, and caring people, limiting your interaction with individuals that have those traits, leaving you more exposed to the kinds of individuals that would use mental health diagnoses to avoid responsibility for their failures.
That’s only my opinion, so do what you like with that.
I’m convinced that most psychiatrists and psychologists have control issues that they satisfy through their practice. It makes them feel powerful to be able to gatekeep, judge and implicitly control their patient’s life and get paid for it.
Mint is great if you want a Linux experience that works with minimal hassle. It uses the Cinnamon desktop environment that is similar to Windows UI. It also has lots of apps and settings that imitate Windows, so it should be intuitive. Ubuntu is also an easy transition for new Linux users, but not as intuitive as Mint, and it has been getting some critique lately for decisions made by the distro’s developer (Canonical). The decisions are likely not going to make much difference in your daily use as a new user, so I wouldn’t worry to much about that specific issue because Ubuntu is a great distro for new users as well. In fact, Mint is based off of Ubuntu. Additionally, Ubuntu Server is one of the most popular server builds because of its ease of use. If you are unsure, you can make a Live USB of each and try them out for a few days.
Tip: As a new user, it’s possible that you will eventually make a mistake or change to your build that you would like to undo. To undo easily when the time comes, make sure you set up Timeshift when you first install your build. It takes snapshots at whatever regular intervals you would like so that you can revert back to one when the time comes. It has saved me lots of frustration.
Where x = verse:
It is probably wise to assume that the next serious data breach at Google will end marriages, get politicians arrested, get famous people canceled, fuel successful scammers, and have every other privacy impact you can imagine. We know the Google data pool is massive, and we have reason to believe it is incredibly personal. I’m aware that Google has anonymozation solutions in play, and I do not believe those solutions will be effective in a breach scenario.
That would be an interesting experiment. Maybe cancel culture and public shaming will cease whene everyone realizes no one is perfect and lost people do shitty things from time to time.
edit: reformatted on desktop for clarity
you guys and your facebooks. it’s not 2015 anymore.
It’s not an approval rating. It’s a rating of what percentage of users find the post and discussion worthy of attention.
exactly. i thought Biden was the shit until Gaza. now, I dont even care about him at all. he’s just another politician.
your face is a straight line
Illinois et Arquensas
I thought the same, but an internet search says it means “late to the party”.
Elaine was part of the masturbation episode and lost, which further speaks to the progressiveness of the show because a woman was portrayed as having sexuality that was outside of acceptable limits at the time (for love only, preferably in marriage). They also presented being gay as acceptable, which was quite progressive at the time where people were calling each other “gay” and the f-word as a terrible insult.
Even at the young age of middle school watching that show, I knew George was a shitty person. Yet, I still felt sympathy for him because of his parents. Regardless, my favorite character was Frank Costanza. He was so over the top and emotional. The dude had PTSD from soldiers in Korea not liking his food in the field mess hall 😂
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the immorality of Kramer’s racist stand-up was exaggerated. It was absolutely offensive and 100% not acceptable. There was nothing funny about it, and there was no possible current setting in which that would be okay. Especially when the audience member became upset, Kramer needed to drop the show immediately and apologize. However, it is obvious he did not mean it as real. I believe he was trying to shock the crowd by being offensive and picked the wrong thing to be offensive about. From what I can tell, the n-word and racism to Kramer are so absurd, that the bit was to make fun of racists by taking on the role of someone that would believe in it to show how stupid it is. It was a caricature. Unfortunately, our society is still racist and the victims haven’t healed yet because it’s still ongoing, so it didn’t land right at all. His white privilege made him tone deaf, so it was less about him being purposely racist and more about showing how racism is still alive. It also gave racists a possible pass at being overly racist if he were allowed to get away with it. I think in the future, society will either not care about it as much or find it makes sense because they will agree with the spirit in their time.
Again, i am not excusing his standup or saying it was okay. It was not okay. But, I also think it’s not what people make it out to be. In fact, he owned it and apologized for it a lot. He was clearly regretful and wanted to point out how much it hurt him as well. This made him a perfect target for mob justice using shame as a weapon because he believed he deserved it and would not fight back. It ended his career, and he’s been in hiding ever since. He was one of the first celebrities to be canceled by social media. The only time I remember him coming back out was on an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and he looked like a broken person. The backlash was so intense, that even South Park made a show about it called With Apologies to Jesse Jackson (S11E1).
I understand I might be misunderstanding the situation, so I do not mean to profess my opinion as fact and am open to other interpretations.
Exactly. Seinfeld isn’t funny now because all the shows after it copied it. When Seinfeld came out, it was revolutionary. No one was doing that humor. They invented it. Now, everyone and their mother has copied them, so it’s played out. And since all these newer sitcoms had time and previous examples to improve on, they do it better, so Seinfeld looks lame by comparison. However, when I as a millennial was watching Seinfeld when it was being originally aired, I thought it was great.
I used to be an experimental chemist in the bathroom sink after my parents fell asleep. On one occasion, my father told me that he had to throw out my concoction I had saved since the night prior because it had attracted and killed a few roaches. I accidentally made a roach attractant and poison as a kid using substances found in an ordinary home.