Molotov cocktails remain a cheap and effective workforce bargaining tool. 2nd amendment silenced handguns just got added to that tool belt.
Molotov cocktails remain a cheap and effective workforce bargaining tool. 2nd amendment silenced handguns just got added to that tool belt.
Based and heroic?
We’re you dating a 30 year old at 20?
I like to say that once you hit 30 you’re old, then every 10 years thereafter you get another “really” in front of it. So at 40 you’re really old, 50 it’s really really old, 60 is really really old, etc. I find it amusing when people argue, to which my retort is that when any of us were ~20 we thought 30 was old, and that hasn’t changed in the world…
I think that’s at the University of Waterloo - they would routinely close entrances due to aggressive geese.
Why not both? I have a strong suspicion the climate wars are going also be a class wars. Although, if the common folk won’t, getting jailed for war crimes against the rich may never be prosecuted 🤷♂️