This is dumb, but I actually don’t blame the couple THAT much. It’s probably a shitty sexual education coupled with the taboo of talking about it. I went to abstinence-only sex ed back in the day, and all we were told was “sex before marriage is evil,” and basically nothing else. If it wasn’t for my church’s (yeah, seriously!) really good sex-ed classes, I would have been dumb as bricks.
The DARE officer at my school (anti-drug police officer supposed to scare you straight) was actually yelled at by my health teacher for saying “sharing needles can cause STIs, oh and also wear a condom.” A teacher shouted “Abstinence only, no condoms!” at a bunch of ninth-graders. Moron. Although I guess the kids in that class wouldn’t have had trouble getting pregnant.
You’re absolutely right. I just signed up on .ml because I was a reddit refugee and it was one of the largest instances, and it got the fastest updates. Like a year later, suddenly everyone’s talking about me like I’m part of some crazy cult. I bet well over half of .ml users don’t even come close to the extreme stereotype, but are considering going to another instance just so we don’t get bullied any more. It’s likely going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.