Ah yes the F-150 with the sharply angled roof.
Ah yes the F-150 with the sharply angled roof.
Had none of that with my clear gameboy pocket, that boy was plugged into a wall socket most of the time because of how much pokemon i played on it.
But tbh i wasn’t really a greasy kid, i remember friends controllers which were sticky af and made me not want to play because of how gross it made me feel.
He’s a good guy to me, actually a decent friend.
Willing to help whenever etc, never met someone like him. We just have very different opinions and a different response to what bothers us haha
I have a conservative friend who will start screaming like a little girl when a cyclist is doing nothing other than just using the bikelane that happens to come into an intersection with the road he’s on.
Such happy people, amazing.
I used to listen to songs by Melle, uploaded to an account named fanvanmel.
After a bit i found out the account was run by someone who knew him and wanted to see his music out in the open so more could enjoy it.
After a bit of talking i realised the account owner was also Dutch, which was quite a surprise.
I haven’t seen anything new and my last comment never got a response…i hope he’s doing well and enjoying his journey.
His songs still pop up from time to time, there’s something real and honest about it all. Seeing him struggle with nervousness while trying to introduce a song etc…beautiful raw human
The good old days of: “cat, i’m a kitty cat and i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance”
In this economy and housing market? You better expect to have them at home for 30 ish years unless they end uo being rich very early.
I just wish i could buy and use cd’s still, the artists used to see more money and i got to use the music in whatever device i decided.
They might summom up a family super version and limit the family plan to 3 people, so you need super if you have 2 kids lol
I hate sleep, i used to love staying awake and summon up the greatest ideas for things to design and print.
But since i got my current job i’m just dead tired all of the time, i literally sleep in between my sleeps to sleep some more i can’t even stay awake if i wanted to.
I should probably get a different job, but this is the first time in my life i actually make a wage worth showing up for…it’s just not really worth having to sacrifice a full 24h for a single workday.
I doubt that will do anything at all tbh.
Businesses believe advertising works, i believe it’s just a way for other businesses to substract money from them.
I keep getting ads for polestar cars like i can afford that shit, or gambling like it’s something i do regularly (never have and never will) or i get ads for the exact basket i just paid for 2 minutes ago as if i need another load of it (i don’t, obviously).
This needs to be put to a stop, seriously.
Friends: buying houses and having kids.
Me: let’s get a motorcycle license babe.
Tbh we started off with her going: “i want a tiny you, someday” to eventually: “i can’t stand kids, no thanks” (we visited her sister abroad for a week and her kids totally drained us) and now we’re back to: “i kinda want a baby as it’s now or never” while i completely embraced the idea of never having kids once she asked me to get a vasectomy (i didn’t as i didn’t feel it was neccesary).
I’d rather just make more money and have more fun. I never fit in well so i doubt my kids will too, i don’t want that for them. Heck i also don’t want the current state of society for them, i don’t even want that for me.
This is diabolical, i cried from laughing so hard
That differs for a lot of people.
My wage was nearly unchanged for 15 years(a total increase of €16 per month) while i watched rent and groceries triple in cost.
It all started like: your wage is low, here’s help with the rent insurance and bills plus you’ll be locked into the low rent segment.
Right now they claim i have a high wage and am locked in the high rent segment with no support anymore.
My father however never had the oppertunity to buy and is still renting according to the old rules and pays a third of what i pay for twice the space. His retirement is almost identical to my income.
My wife closed a curtain and had backpain for 2 weeks as a result xD
I got a new job and ended up with backpain for the first 2 months until my body adjusted to it.
My old coworker watched 2 movies on a week night, i take 2 weeks to watch a single movie half the time.
I asked him how he did it, turns out the kid does well on half the sleep i require.
Ah man, i miss my teens and early twenties xD i was taught that the older you get the less sleep you need…so that was a lie.
Oh my god, i watched this 4 times not realizing it’s from the post image…but man did that tickle me.
Thanks for the laugh.
Definitely the latter, i’m sorry for being unclear about that.
If that’s true then it clears up a thing or two for me.
This guy gets it.