Which makes no sense considering there’s a war going on. The fire nation goes around burning ppl alive. The last thing I would care about is the moral high road when my opponent genocided a bunch of monks.
Which makes no sense considering there’s a war going on. The fire nation goes around burning ppl alive. The last thing I would care about is the moral high road when my opponent genocided a bunch of monks.
Because ppl lie and exaggerate things. Also the distrust of the medical and pharmaceutical companies was created by the over diagnosing and over prescribing of medication that created the opioid crisis. And lets not forget the conveyor belt type of medical care that stresses get them in and get them out that results in misdiagnosing and a general lack of care.
No I’m not a conspiracy theorist and 9 times out of 10 a doctor is usually right but let’s not act like the distrust of American medical services isn’t deserved.
Michigan still does 10 cents a bottle
You can say that about almost everywhere white explores showed up
Nahhh. I’m fortunate enough to have an out so I’m leaving this hell hole. I’m not denouncing my citizenship but as a black male im thanking God I have the means to leave
I could be wrong but polling I’ve seen says 83% of black men and 93% black women voted Democrat. Latinos and White people voted closer to 50% between the two parties
I’m using airbnb for my work trip. Renting out a room in an older lady’s home. That should really be the only way airbnb functions.
ADOC transports dozens of incarcerated people per day to jobs at government agencies and private businesses around Alabama, including KFC, Wendy’s, and McDonald’s franchises. ADOC also delivers inmates to meatpacking plants run by companies like Koch Foods and Gemstone Foods
Don’t leave out the rest
Thank you for clarifying. Sorry about the misunderstanding
The guy is a wildlife photographer. If he asks once and gets ignored he’s going to escalate because you then become a nuance to his job. It’s like someone coming to your job and overflowing all the toilets or tying up the phones. Obviously it’s a reoccurring problem and being nice about it doesn’t work.
And again if she just leashed her dog when he asks like she was suppose to be doing in the first place none of this would have happened. You’re acting like he threw a rock at her dog
Yes i rewatched it and read some more articles about it before I commented. Telling her he was going to lure the dog away with treats is the quickest and simpliest way to get her to leash her dog. Dogs running off and fucking with wildlife or ppl is exactly why the official park rule is all dogs must be leashed at all times. He would know considering he’s a wildlife photographer. Which is why he confronted her. SHE WAS BREAKING THE RULES OF THE PARK.
The situation basically boiled down to:
“Put your dog on a leash or I’ll show why that’s the official rule of the park.”
Oh my God you’re assaulting me!
How exactly did he screw up? He’s a wildlife photographer who told someone to leash their dog because it’s a rule that protects wildlife. All of this happened because she flouted the rules and escalated the situation. If she just would’ve leashed her dog we wouldn’t be talking about this. It’s 100% on her
Black ppl are just going to be considered in the wrong no matter what we do. We make up a tiny about of drug users yet we’re more likely to be arrested for it. Make it make sense
Remember when all those politicians, actors, and activists went to that global climate change meeting on private planes?
Rich ppl will do nothing if it even inconveniences them a smidgen.
Last time ive seen a subway sandwich that wasn’t gross looking was in the 90s
How is this anti environmental? It’s 100% true that a lot of environmentalist celebrities/politicians are massive hypocrites.
World leaders and celebrities took private jets to a UN Climate summit.
This is unironically one of the best examples character acting I’ve ever seen.
I’m surprised you haven’t spontaneously combusted
This comment is the bane of many a black man’s existence
Nah I think most ppl honestly don’t care. We don’t even care about each other as the western world’s entire lifestyle is based on the exploitation of other countries and their ppl.
You expect someone to suddenly give a damn about a cow 500 miles away?