Proton mail is pretty good. And they have a trustworthy VPN service.
Update: I officially rescind my statement. Do not use Proton.
Proton mail is pretty good. And they have a trustworthy VPN service.
Update: I officially rescind my statement. Do not use Proton.
Huh, I always thought it was a commentary on general bureaucracy, that systems are too complex that it doesn’t allow for a person to have a voice for their own protection, but South African Apartheid probably makes more sense.
Am I crazy for seeing Steve Harvey in the burger?
I just thought it was a funny book.
Unrelated, but I made eggnog for the first time this year and it was amazing! I will not be buying eggnog from the store any longer.
I remember when I played fortnite. One night I almost got a voctiory royals, but they turned the game off right before I could kill the last squad. I never got a victory royals.
Freckles are the only way to tell eople and robots apart. Everyone has at least one freckle on their left arm. If they don’t, they’re a robot.
Maybe it is a conspiracy theory,buyt it does feel plausible and I think that merits some concern that it could head in this direction if we keep allowing companies to leech into our lives. We already have ridiculous situations like the Disney+ lawsuit thing. Who know what hasn’t surfaced yet?
I think the better option is to close loopholes. Even if we increase taxes, they still have ways of avoiding taxes. We need to make it less avoidable for the rich.
It was probably Rock star.
Check, mate.
But does it have a cool rainbow apple?
Shake Penis Hands?
Disney Springs doesn’t have tickets. It’s just a glorified shopping mall.
I have not had any issues printing on Linux. Although I use ubunutu instead of arch so maybe that’s the reason. I also use an Epson printer which I have never had an issue hooking up to any PC over WiFi.
Floorp is the best option simply by name alone. I love floorping for information.
I suppose you could just use arch Linux to get away from pop-os and flatpaks.
I say burn it. No point in soiling your ass with that flag.
Hitler is the red herring. It says to select dictators with bad hair and his is okay.