All reasonable arguments not to vote for Harris. But no arguments whatsoever to vote for Trump.
And unless the archaic and infuriatingly flawed election system is fixed, you’ve got a civic duty to pick the lesser of two evils.
All reasonable arguments not to vote for Harris. But no arguments whatsoever to vote for Trump.
And unless the archaic and infuriatingly flawed election system is fixed, you’ve got a civic duty to pick the lesser of two evils.
If you want a system that cannot be abused then don’t remove the safeguards designed to fix mistakes.
Allowed innocents to be released from prison, and allow the disenfranchised to regain their voting rights.
This is why there is always a higher power to overrule previous decisions, and when it comes to elections there is no higher power than a majority.
It’s one of those safe-guards that democracy implements that’s currently having rather unintended consequences.
The reasoning is that taking away voting rights is far too easy to abuse, and if a majority of people agree with whomever you wanted to prevent from voting/getting elected then you’re fucked anyway.
Which, incidentally, is looking like a very real possibility right now.
For a revolution to succeed you need the power to remove any people in power that oppose you, doesn’t get more authoritarian than that.
Agreed, but I am sad that they don’t choose to share any of those personal experiences that they claim are vital for understanding communism.
Even if communist revolutions tend to fail for the same reasons most revolutions fail (a need for temporary authoritarian rule followed by fumbling the succession) anything that can help understand how and why something failed is useful.
Heck if accelerating to Mach 19 in about 2 meters is acceptable you could just disable the rotors and only experience an acceleration of less than Mach 1 in just a few meters.
Wouldn’t surprise me if even Unicode advices against using Roman numerals depending on meaning.
It was mostly a joke (though frankly if you try any implementation more complicated than that joke you’re going to have a bad time).
The biggest number that can be defined in fewer than twenty words.
It’s simple ⅯⅯⅩⅩⅣis a number, MMXXIV is not.
Education has really failed to impress upon people the importance of asking questions. It’s amazing how much time is wasted on making people learn answers to questions they don’t even know how to ask.
If you place killing an ideal beyond implementing your own you’re making exactly the same mistake.
The best we’ve come up with is to try to ensure people are educated and well informed and only a majority can make certain decisions. Not all countries are doing too well on all 3 (heck the U.S. doesn’t even manage to ensure decisions require a majority) but if an ideal gets accepted under anything resembling those conditions then killing the bigots is no longer an option.
You can pretend all you like the problem is that there have been leftist wack jobs that very much did exterminate people for political gain.
Things would be so much easier if we could simply argue about ideology without anyone getting the ‘clever’ idea that you can simply exterminate everyone who disagrees and end up with a harmonious society of people all working towards the same ideal.
For some reason I read ‘zombies’, was wondering what on earth you were planning.
Better an unstable government than an unstable guy at the lead.
We finally got rid of the previous prime minister after 12 years, what 5 premiers did I miss?
Though a coalition failing to form doesn’t usually cause an immediate election.
I mean it’d be rather odd to ask people who they want in government, and then ask them to do so again before any government was formed.
They definitely didn’t just stop tracking you because this option exists.
Cookies are a non-issue. They store data only locally and can be edited and removed at will. With third party isolation on by default there’s really no reason to worry about them much anymore. And if you do just install cookie auto-delete to clean things up.
This variant is definitely worse because the data is no longer just local.
It’s kind of neat you can launch a version of Visual Studio code by pressing ‘.’ though.
Still not sure why, especially given that it’s pretty much impossible to find out that you can even do that.
Democracy isn’t really meant to prevent something the majority wants.
If the majority wants a criminal to lead the country they’ll elect them, or someone with the same policies, or someone who promises to put the criminal in power. The end result isn’t all that different, and the latter two could be worse in some ways.
In a democracy the majority rules, and should they decide to put a lunatic in charge, well, that would be the least of your problems.