“Keep it simple” says the project that decided it would be great to program in YAML…
I’ve tried using it to manage a few home servers and parameterizing anything was painful and boilerplate-ridden
“Keep it simple” says the project that decided it would be great to program in YAML…
I’ve tried using it to manage a few home servers and parameterizing anything was painful and boilerplate-ridden
Everybody gangsta with the “don’t be evil” clause until the authors turn out to be a nutjob who thinks trans people are blights against God and must be exterminated.
I doubt (or at least hope) that that’s not what they think, but hopefully that illustrates why the clause is dumb.
STOP doing manifest destiny
Nations were never supposed to span from coast to coast
Want to have more coastline anyway? We have a solution for that: it’s called a PENINSULA
God: I will fix everything
Also God: I can’t/ haven’t fixed evil because then there’d be no free will
Because Republicans have chosen Trump as the leader of their in-group, and everything they say and do is just sound bytes for getting him in power and abusing the out group, no matter how inconsistent, hypocritical, or false it is. They don’t actually think what they mock the left for is bad, but if they can use it to justify being against them, they’ll use it.
Does doing one good thing translate to being “an objectively good president” though? Broken clock and all that.
Yeah I stopped having any good faith once the enlightened centrist went “the left and their factual research is just as bad as the right and their literal conspiracy theories” now time to see how to mute threads in lemmy
I’m sorry that climate systems are too complicates and nuanced for you to understand. Cope.
It isn’t though. More extreme weather is one of the predicted effects of global warming, and there’s research showing it. https://slate.com/technology/2019/12/attribution-science-field-explosion-2010s-climate-change.html
What is climate if not long term weather patterns?
Part of the issue is that in most cases, viewing art requires benefitting the artist, either directly by purchasing it or indirectly by making it more popular. JK Rowling is the most prominent example. That said, it’s a spectrum.
A lot of complaints I’ve seen is that it’s bloated - it’s not only a system manager but also has a DNS relay, network manager, container manager, and so on.
That said, codifying service startup and managing them with cgroups is IMO MUCH better than init scripts that think running killall apache
is a good way to stop a service.
I use a keepass vault thrown in a syncthing directory but like literally any file sync will do. If you get conflicts, KeePassXC can merge them
Anything with enough access to block malicious programs has enough access to block any other program by mistake.
Security modules like this usually get very invasive with the OS, to be able to monitor everything and so that malicious programs don’t have the ability to shut it off.
Low competition industries
Like most of them?
My point is that SQL works with and returns data as a flat table, which is ill fitting for most websites, which involve many parent-child object relationships. It requires extra queries to fetch one-to-many relationships and postprocessing of the result set to match the parents to the children.
I’m just sad that in the decades that SQL has been around, there hasn’t been anything else to replace it. Most NoSQL databases throw out the good (ACID, transactions, indexes) with the bad.
The fact that you’d need to keep this structure in SQL and make sure it’s consistent and updated kinda proves my point.
It’s also not really relevant to my example, which involves a single level parent-child relationship of completely different models (posts and tags).
SQL blows for hierarchical data though.
Want to fetch a page of posts AND their tags in normalized SQL? Either do a left join and repeat all the post values for every tag or do two round-trip queries and manually join them in code.
If you have the tags in a JSON blob on the post object, you just fetch and decide that.
“Can’t media format X run arbitrary code” is almost never an issue with the format itself and virtually always a bug with a particular decoder/player.
We’re talking about those PPP loans that businesses and the wealthy abused, and not student loans that people are stuck with due to systemic causes… Right… Right…