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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I wonder if this is why fox news et all were flagrantly lying about roving immigrant gangs occupying towns (that never existed)

    That happens in a lot of immigrants home countries, so immigrants voting to stop it from coming to America makes sense - its why they uprooted their lives and migrated to America in the first place.

    I’m just as disappointed as anyone else in the outcome/demographic split etc - but it’s almost hard to blame people when every “legitimate” news source can pitch a coordinated fantasy and make it real.

    You’re supposed to be able to trust news sources - but when multiple news sources coordinate to make up stories and narratives that aren’t true, and there’s zero consequences for lying or promoting disinformation, people will never be able to make an informed opinion again.

    Just like the lack of consequences for Trump let people believe he’s the target of a witch hunt. People want to believe the accountability applied to them is also applied to major institutions like news, police, and government, but can’t seem to understand it only exists for the poor.

  • This is more of a comment on the efficacy of having several media apparatus boast unified lies without consequences.

    The absolute lack of consequences for blatantly lieing, omitting truth, falsifying information, and ignoring reality is why we are in this mess.

    This can definitely be applied to both left and right, but the Left master plan seems to be “tolerance for all” and the Right master plan seems to be some hybrid business/monarchy system that obviously is trying to enslave 99% of the population.

    This toss up is only possible with half the population living in an alternate reality without realizing it.

  • The scariest thing about Conservatives is they are getting pressed against reality and the false narrative they cling to as the only possible explanation of reality.

    Their lie is so ridiculous and so obviously ‘coming from inside the house’ that they will now protect it with everything they are.

    The only hope is that they accept a conclusion of ‘I was right about everything, just the small detail of who was actually responsible needed a single puzzle piece to confirm’.

  • Completely depends on the shrooms. Like 100%.

    I recommend 1 gram increments every hour if you’ve never tried the bag before. Once you know how strong they are, you’ll know how much you need for the trip you want.

    I’ve taken 3.5 grams and been fully in control with minimal visual and the biggest experience was mild time dilation.

    I’ve taken 2 grams and been unable to use my phone because the screen looks bottomless for several hours, and I’m barely keeping whole thoughts processing.

    Blindly advising someone you don’t know to munch 7 grams of random shrooms is a terrible idea. You are correct that anxiety meds can blunt shrooms, but even then 7g is a massive dose.

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldJD Vance
    6 months ago

    Although this story isn’t related, I’ve been trying to get the name JD Vance changed online to “Joy Division Vance” given his views on women.

    The future Joy Division Vance sees for American Women

    In World War II, Nazi Germany established brothels in the concentration camps (Lagerbordell or Freudenabteilungen “Joy Divisions”) to increase productivity among inmates, although these institutions were used mostly by Kapos, “prisoner functionaries” and the criminal element, because regular inmates, penniless and emaciated, were usually too debilitated and wary of exposure to Schutzstaffel (SS) schemes. In the end, the camp brothels did not produce any noticeable increase in the prisoners’ productivity levels, but instead, created a market for coupons among the camp VIPs.[1]

    The women forced into these brothels came mainly from the women-only Ravensbrück concentration camp,[2] except for Auschwitz, which used its own prisoners.[3] In combination with the German military brothels in World War II, it is estimated that at least 34,140 female inmates were forced into sexual slavery during the Third Reich.[3]

  • Which is perfect, because they are weird and don’t actually understand what normal people think is weird.

    So now they are weird and desperate, desperately claiming everything is weird - except it’s only weird to them, which confirms that they are weird, which makes them even more desperate to not be perceived as weird, and continues to push them into even weirder territory.

    A normal response to being called weird when doing something relatively normal is generally indifference/acceptance - but aggressively pushing back (their only play) simply confirms the accusation has merits.

    Drown these weirdos in their weird behaviour, weird understanding of relationships, and their weird perception of the world.

    The party of “Us VS Them” is slipping into “them” territory because the “Us” group will never own that label, and there is nothing they can do about it, because it’s objectively true.

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldtoADHD@lemmy.worldGamify
    7 months ago

    I feel like his advice is really only applicable if the tasks are received pre-gamified, otherwise it’s just the same task with double the work:

    Here’s a list of tasks

    but it’s boring and tedious

    use the content of the list to create a game with structure that ties individually completed tasks to generate automatic, immediate, output/result/gratification

    Begin accomplishing gamified list tasks <---- (should be starting here)

    Finish quickly due to gamification.

    That whole approach ain’t gonna work on someone with ADHD. If it isn’t received pre-gamified, I’m not gonna do a bunch of extra work before I can start the actual work.

    “The hack to being unable to start a task, is to start an additional, more complicated task” - No

    “The best way to get an ADHD brain to quickly accomplish simple task lists is by having accomplishments provide immediate results/rewards” - Yes