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I’d imagine they have enough munitions and suppliers for it not to matter, and doing so will simply deteriorate relations, causing the US to hold less sway with its one ally in the region.
Nah, that’s too nuanced - just don’t give them guns and they’ll stop.
You answered the prescient question - “months.” They need to work a base down ballot first so they can actually get anything done in Congress. No one wants to do the groundwork and thinks if we just elect a 3rd party candidate in the highest office everything else will follow.
Wat a pipe dream.
Yeah, good thing I’m not a single-issue voter with a vote to waste.
Yeah, see, I think they have polled Democrats and have probably found it’s not a winning strategy, whether by number of possible voters gained vs lost, or ranked importance of the issues.
I think they recognize the backlash of losing the democratic Jewish vote is larger than the gain of standing on principle on a difficult diplomatic situation that the public doesn’t have the attention span to follow. Undecided voters are typically low-info voters, so a dissertation on the Middle East situation is a no-go.
Don’t get me wrong, I think what Israel is doing is genocide and we shouldn’t support it, but I also understand if voters in America care more about not getting evicted, going bankrupt, bodily autonomy, or food security more so than a conflict half way around the world.
Also this is on-line with our stance in WW2 prior to Pearl Harbor - we didn’t want to fight an active war despite knowing about the genocide occurring.
I disagree. Your voice is your vote, no? So you’re going to speak on Nov 5th without giving anyone a chance to respond, thus letting Trump be elected?
If not Nov 5th with your vote, then surely all of these antiwar types are protesting in the street and pinging their reps about it?
A little too obvious trolling. Gotta time it down a bit if you’re gonna sell the con.
What other options are there in a FPTP system?
I mean, for starters this argument states as fact a number of points that are questionable. Sure, I’ll grant the US holds Israel up as a strategic point in the Middle East. We do the same around the world and so do other nations in support of the same. Russia did/does the same thing with Cuba, for instance.
The rest of the argument about petrodollars, economics, one-state solutions, and IMF loans is conspiracy theory and conjecture masqueraded as fact. One book about it doesn’t make it true. It’s not worth disproving because the poster is gish-galloping garbage.
I really think you should, fam.
You responded to the previous poster quoting something they never said and your answer doesn’t follow the conversation. JFC read your own comment chain before being an ass.
Nah, holding your vote appears to be you just being another unmotivated democratic voter without regard to why. No one gets polled on why they didn’t vote 4 years prior. At best Harris barely wins and at worst Trump takes office and you get 4 years of genocide + Ukrainian subjugation + subjugation of women, minorities, and immigrants at home.
Kind of a no-brainer that you should vote for Harris here.
In general I agree that voting can be used to hold candidates accountable for their policies. In this case, I still don’t see how holding the less terrible of the two accountable isn’t tantamount to helping the worse. No one knows why you voted 3rd party, just that you did. If the outcome is that Repubs win, the simplest answer is that most people prefer hard right policies, which is opposite the goals of most 3rd parties (except perhaps libertarianism).
Less terrible of the two is something I think most people would follow unless indoctrinated to think the more viable option is worse. Having constant conversations about holding democrats accountable with nary a peep about how Repubs are worse leans into this viewpoint. At best it’s bad optics. At worst it’s intentional to secure a far right win.
The one valid reason not to vote Dem/Repub this cycle has been to not support genocide, which ultimately supports genocide except the voter can dissociate their vote from the outcome. Other than that, I haven’t seen any other valid arguments to vote 3rd party, particularly when looking at what those candidates would do if they won. Holding the presidency with all of Congress against you means you can’t get anything done, so it’s a waste of 4 years.
The argument of bad faith you’ve made sounds awfully like the beginning of a slippery slope argument.
“Mary hat hey lid tell lam, ids fleas woes white has know”
Oh that’s way down by Terre Haute. Makes slightly more sense but still baffles me that someone can simultaneously be proud of being in a union while supporting the guy that wants to dismantle them.
That’s Indiana for you. NWI is littered with that and some of the people I work with are in a union and parrot Fox News. Wildest shit I’ve ever seen.
If only you could put that same effort into looking at the GOP. This post is disingenuous as fuck.
Whoa you think that reply was someone being mad? Oh boy you’re in for some disappointment as I chuckled, wrote my response and went on with my day.
Just like 3rd party candidates come around every 4 years