Fandom is garbage and if you make the mistake of using it on mobile it’s borderline unusable because of ads.
Here’s an extension to find wikis and avoid fextra/fandom garbage. https://getindie.wiki/
Fandom is garbage and if you make the mistake of using it on mobile it’s borderline unusable because of ads.
Here’s an extension to find wikis and avoid fextra/fandom garbage. https://getindie.wiki/
Hard disagree. If my father was a piece of shit like this I would definitely want to know. Keeping silent just allows the father skirt responsibility. It’s 100% OP choice though obviously.
This is stuff that can destroy lifes.
True and the only one responsible is the OP’s FIL who hit her up for a root and reduced her to a prostitute; not OP if she hypothetically outed him.
Gonna save this post in case I ever accidentally ingest a poison and need an emetic handy 🤮🤮
Right, still might be an idea to restrict screen time. Also might be an idea to talk about boundaries. Can’t be expected to be at your best parenting if you’re being woken up all hours of the morning. Tell him Elon will steal his eyeballs.
Or people that don’t want to see animal abuse videos posting to crazyfuckingvideos.
If your kid is young enough to ask to sleep in your room they probably shouldn’t have a phone. Or least set parental restrictions to stop usage at 2:30 in the morning imo.
Not even really a fan of F1 (though I like the memes and content that results from it) and even I know Sulayem is an absolute clown. Can’t he be removed or voted out of FIA??
Isn’t 500 a http error?
Internal server error: A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.
A misconfigured server isn’t really dystopian.
still trying desperately with the troll rhetoric
only one in comment chain calling other people names and trying to flex their “big brain” with their petty first comment that backfired spectacularly
Unfortunately not only reality but the votes (as much as I dislike appeal to the ratio) disagree with you. Have a nice day.
Honestly 2/10 backpedaling. Apply yourself next time.
“QPS with PT” 8pm
Assuming that means what I think it means I’m going to have to remember to refrain from asking my paramedic mates how work is going. One of them told me her tales about some music festival she worked at. We’re lucky to have such patient professionals that’s for sure.
Would you then be surprised at your assault/battery charge if you punched someone in the face out of nowhere for wearing that shirt? “But the shirt your honour”.
I don’t see how those statements are incongruent or worthy of being particularly funny. Must be a parent thing I guess.
That gives an eternity of time to a mischievous 2yo kid #3 to grab the shiny toy so carelessly dropped without being locked GASP! and then tap not just twice but >100 times.
See my hand wave remark. I may not have kids but am old enough that a few of my mates are starting. I’ll ask one if he thinks this series of incredibly unlikely events (that ignore lock after time limit, face ID for payment methods, common sense) would work with his child but I suspect the response will be laughter.
Far more likely is people giving these devices to children inappropriately and them figuring this stuff out rather than kids “mashing buttons” into purchasing things from Amazon. Do appreciate the classic “yOu MuSt NoT hAvE kIDs” response to literally any form of parental criticism though.
Maybe dad should have a passcode on his phone and banking apps? Literally no one can “get their mitts” on my phone and use it without my consent short of holding a gun to my head. So many of these parents seem to handwave responsibility from fictional scenarios.
Lisdex for me works pretty well. Though I still need to make an effort to structure and plan thing out well. Worth talking to your doctor about, a dose change may be required. My GP mentioned the usual starting dose is commonly not sufficient but from understanding it’s mostly for helping with executive functioning stuff (procrastination as you mention); not really for improving memory. The votes are probably due to comparisons to senility and unnecessary reference to Biden as an aside.
It FEELS even worse than before, but I think that is because doing more means more error, more senile.
Still, even if it would stay like this, my life would have changed for the better.
These statements are also contradictory but the last one, if factual, is like worth focusing. These drugs aren’t “fix all”; lifestyle management (diet, sleep, etc) is still required.
Lmao. “Understandable, have a nice day sir”.
If you can’t find one googling with that extension I would just go without as opposed to giving either of those cesspools traffic. https://eldenring.wiki.gg/wiki/Staff_of_the_Avatar