Is this the genesis of servoskulls?
Blood rain, giblets, and warm bullet casings
Mild, sharp, and sharper cheese tastings
Metal dudes shredding their taut guitar strings
These are a few of my favorite things
Is this the genesis of servoskulls?
Tell your old man to drag the shrieking Maimer and the nudge up and down the court for 48 minutes.
It’s pretty simple, really. Did you read the original statement? Did you see where Yen said the Republican Party will champion the little people and be great for privacy? End of discussion.
The squabbling over “hE dIdN’t diRecTly prAIse Trump” is nonsense whataboutism distraction.
You caught some heat but you are 100% right. This is encapsulated every time I watch a house hearing clip and the reps say it over and over. The context of what they’re fighting is so infuriating, but just hearing these mostly out of touch old fucks who can’t comprehend technology saying it still almost evokes a grin.
More of a supplement than a counter.
Let’s keep the brainstorming going: and regulations should be put in place to prevent there from being such a thing as billionaires ever again.
This looks like the frog monster from the N64 polygon version of the Monster Hunter Wilds open beta. This some Chinese Nostradamus shit.
I don’t need to be someone’s favorite person, I don’t think. But I’ve grown exhausted with “uneven” friendships. I feel like every relationship I try to maintain, it’s a one sided effort. I’m the only one reaching out. I take note of their interests and utilize that info, send them cool links, spark convos, etc. But don’t really get it in return.
Perhaps that’s too demanding of me? Unrealistic? If so, I don’t think I understand what friendship is supposed to be and likely never will.
But I can’t let the world forget how sads I am.
Just a heads up on the Costco online thing, their selection isn’t that expansive, so it can’t replace Amazon for you. You’re at the whims of what item and brand they decide to carry and when.
I like to say it like this: I’m doing alright, but not “able to weather serious healthcare in America” alright. I think that’s a decent way to lessen the confusion of class divide.
There are subjects in which I have formal training and extensive experience in.
Grammar clearly not being one of them.
I kid. Sorry, I’m a sucker for low hanging fruit.
“Some of those that burn crosses are the same that hold office“ always felt a tinge more poignant.
Mad TV has your back: Sex Toy Story
What if you used the router as the toaster oven? Tapping_head.gif
I had this happen recently with Freetube and the, very strangely, age restricted new trailer for a Darktide update. Hope the big brains figure out a work around. Even invidious fallback wouldn’t play it.
Where does “twist and pull back over the loaf” fall? Same as twist and tuck essentially?
Could be Southern Decadence. Plenty of chances to make Jesus’ sacrifice worthwhile there.
Example number infinity of republicans using veterans as nothing more than political chess pieces. Heroes who can do no wrong and are the paragon of virtue when it could score some votes. Fake, not real vets or patriots, stolen valor, questioning their service when they disagree with even a single conservative value.
Bit stupid we’re still calling video gaming having “no life” when it’s substantially more fulfilling than pretending to have a life you don’t for fake internet points from fake internet friends on fake internet communities. I’ve met plenty of interesting people and developed lasting relationships gaming. And it’s stimulating mentally depending on the genre. Meanwhile, I go out to social settings and see half the people sitting alone, posing with food and drinks and doing nothing but staring at their phones. Some life.