I was referring to features, like adding money to your account. Not that they are needed in aurora.
I was referring to features, like adding money to your account. Not that they are needed in aurora.
You can use the aurora store for most of your play store need’s.
Even if it’s the same DE/WM still downvote them, because they’re using it wrong.
In Souls-like games, pressing the ‘dodge’ button when on a narrow platform is a very easy way to accidentally jump off the platform and die horribly.
Yes. The only recent FromSoft game where this could happen is AC6, but it doesn’t have player messages.
regardless X on an xbox style controller would be “use item” or switch between twohand on a Nintendo style controller. There is no common controllerscheme where it would be dodge.
DS3 uses the usual souls controls
Just catch the ghost afterwards.
Have been waiting for oceangate season 2 for some time now.
Did not expect this one to be exported.
Was there a reason for not only allowing connections to specific whitelisted domain’s?
Depending on the tier of undead.
Shame, that they unstuck themselves.
Make sure to not delve too greedily and too deep.
For those, who don’t want to open the article