Let’s add the kleptocrats this time around… And all they get are sticks and stones.
Let’s add the kleptocrats this time around… And all they get are sticks and stones.
And the world was better for it.
One. The other one was monarchists battling it out “for the last time”.
To be honest… I would pay for a beer or two just to watch that.
Galaxy Rangers or Saber Rider come to mind, when I think about a setting like this. But both are nearly 40 years old now and were a bit obscure even back then.
Superior… Well. I don’t miss the smell of smoke everywhere. But I do miss the slower news cycle. And not having to grow up with any media that try’s to tell me everybody is everybody’s enemy.
Born in 80. Share the feeling. We are called xennials. And it’s unnerving… sometimes.
Bazzite is that good.
Ja danke Tastatur. Ich weiß.