If you don’t want to have an abortion, no one’s ever been forcing you.
Why you think it’s appropriate to force others is weird.
If you don’t want to have an abortion, no one’s ever been forcing you.
Why you think it’s appropriate to force others is weird.
Iirc, it was also a newfangled, more effective/humane method, and a symbol of progress.
I get it, the world is overwhelming, and one person can’t possibly neither bear nor solve it all.
What helps is limiting your scope: lower your media diet, focus on real people and relationships, focus on the things you can do something about, and do those well.
That’s not the same as doing your thing at the expense of others’, but that it’s fine to learn and correct and simplify as best you can. If you learn that your car is made from endangered child labor and methane leeching radioactive rain forest - you don’t have to burn it at once, but be mindful not to get that type of car the next time.
Find one goal and task and keep your head down until you reach it, it’s the only way any of us can get any real work done.
[Citation needed]
The sad part about believing in an afterlife is that it’s so easy to give up on the world we have to leave for the next generation.
Even if there would be a blissful afterlife, the people who survive you will suffer more for your complacency.
In English yes, but not in closer languages like Aramaic, Hebrew (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ (Yehoshua)) or Greek (ἰησοῦς (ioesous)).
Source (a little long but interesting read)
Should it more accurately be Yesus?
Bipartisan is such a weird concept for us living in the rest of the world. We have so many more parties than the two in the US.
Aww, I thought we were talking about Rimworld
That’s actually a very cool idea.
Do a proper SS leather jacket but with a defiled swastika all over the back (so no one can mistake it) and reclaim it?
I’d probably not use the red band.
And would this become problematic in a decade when the jackets get normalised and mainstream (probably without the punk defiling)?
Alternate plan (as it would be a shame to waste a dam): Keep the dam, flood the Baltic sea until Kaliningrad is under water?
A fetus does indeed have 100% human DNA, but a tape worm has about 70% human DNA.
An 8 week fetus is about 20 g, an 8 week tape worm can become up to 30 ft, weighing several pounds. 70 % of a pound is more than 20 g.
And with the new slave mother laws, the fetus isn’t more than a handful of grams at the cut off date, making it all the more poignant.