What do pieces of shit have to do wi-Ohhh
What do pieces of shit have to do wi-Ohhh
With rescued immigrants onboard
I should watch the Norm Show again. So good
I read this in Norm Macdonald’s voice. Thank you for the chuckle
Bad gas travels fast in a small town
You can send me the $100 and the video if it’s that big of a deal
Their fecal matter can also give you incurable brain parasites
US woman backflips in court
I’m gonna need a courtroom sketch of that
I like your style
Every day?
None for me, thanks
I’ve been trying to ignore this image, but now all I can think of is The League and how he has MLA (Mouth Like Anus)
Easter is pretty great. We dress up in fun or scary costumes and go around asking for candy
I can only picture blue jean eggs now
Maybe, but it was unnecessary regardless
I’m not saying I love the fact that they are gone, but my main point was dude didn’t have to be an ass about it. I know having to purchase extra accessories is much less than ideal, but power+3.5mm adapters are quite cheap, and shouldn’t be a hassle to use in bed
Ideally, we have a headphone jack built in with out losing out on anything, but unfortunately that isn’t where we are at. We have to find other solutions if you don’t like the phones that still include them. Some people are fine with Bluetooth, some are OK with adapters, and some go out of their way to shit on OP for enjoying his new stuff
Oh absolutely! I haven’t been able to watch for months and decided to jump into Junior, so it is fresh on the mind
I’d be looking for the out door.
She literally gave it to him
If you don’t get the reference go watch Taskmaster on YouTube (or your preferred front-end)! If you do get the reference, I didn’t get yours. My partner and I just started watching Junior and it is hilarious. These kids hate being told “all the information is on the task”
I just reported and blocked this in the last thirty seconds