The SKS is the Dark Souls 2 of rifles
Most prolific penis of the founding fathers
The SKS is the Dark Souls 2 of rifles
Didn’t Goku get btfo by a heart virus?
“Won’t anyone think of the bandwidth of the poor server?”
Screw that, give us the high quality stuff. Shit would almost fit onto a floppy disk. 1.47mb is nothing.
Unfathomably based. You’re a good person.
Thank you. Fuck low quality submissions. It means they got it somewhere besides the primary source.
He used to have one too
Isn’t this an actual proper use of the POV format though?
This is the Skyrim of humor
Larry is the only one who makes me worried about where my wife goes at night.
Am I the only one here who while peeing, flushes the toilet and tries to race it as it goes down?
Doctor Who fans in a nutshell.
Don’t @ me.
Thanks for updating it.
Thank you.
Low quality ass jpegs in 2024 should be a war crime.
Having sex with older women shouldn’t be frowned upon, and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s on the fence about it.
Dead bedroom confirmed
Where can I buy a cone costume?
I would make a deal with the raccoon as long as it continues to pretend to be my wife for social events.
I’m gonna put “quotes” wherever I “damn” well please
You’re not my “real” dad