“We pay for continued ownership” sure sounds like rent to me. Make sure you tell those that had their house/property taken away from them due to eminent domain how eviction is not possible.
“We pay for continued ownership” sure sounds like rent to me. Make sure you tell those that had their house/property taken away from them due to eminent domain how eviction is not possible.
Carnivores, not cannibals lol
And especially at night
For me it was undiagnosed sleep apnea
They barely ever do. Only when landing to an airport at sea level. Upon take off, the cabin pressure is gradually increased until the regulatory 8000 ft, which is maintained majority of the flight.
You experience the same pressure changes while driving in the mountains, with the good ol’ ear popping.
What planes are you flying on that aren’t pressurized?
It already does. I like to review the updates and wait a while to see if they cause any issues. When I’m confident with the updates, I temporarily remove the block from the firewall.
It still would have to get past my firewall to try to make it so.
My home firewall blocks ads and telemetry, no matter device/OS.
You’re entitled to time off to vote in only 28 states. And in those states, they have different rules for it.
I go so far as to get all involved parties together and discuss to see who has the greatest need.
Fun fact i have built a team that respects each other enough that I have never once had to deny a holiday.
Which one is it, bro?
And where the hell do you live, where people refer to leave/vacation/time off as a holiday?
Btw, once you get out of minor leagues, you’re realize you’ll need an actual company policy for things, including vacation. With rules that aren’t subjective to your opinion on what the greatest need is. You know, normal proper company things, like using either seniority, or date the time off request was submitted.
It’s none of your fucking business what I’m taking my time off for.
Shared workstations, 3 shifts, 24 hour use.
Shared computer in a household with people working different shifts.
This might change the way you feel: https://www.thesportster.com/how-hulk-hogan-ruined-wrestling-unions-explained/
Visible in plenty of countries outside of US.
Ah yes, only 14 year olds skateboard and/or surf. Lol
Could be folks that moved to an area where the prices are cheaper from when they came from. That has been the case for me.
Don’t forget 529s…