They gonna be like Pokémon cards now?
Smash mouth genie
Built like a linebacker
They gonna be like Pokémon cards now?
No? They did that.
Sorry, if you were making a joke it flew right over my head, lol
The actual IBM ones from before Lenovo bought the company, the fat ones, those were fucking tanks. I remember using them in middle school, they were the best.
IBM would’ve never
Funny enough after this conversation I received one of the messages. I blocked them and the message did dissappear. I wonder if maybe it was the timing or something? I’m using the Voyager app if that makes a difference.
Ya idk i thought it a bit weird too that we can’t delete messages.
Bong or dab rig, definitely.
I think if you block the user that sent them it might delete the messages
Oh fuck that’s a great business model. Maybe one day I’ll open a library/cafe/bar with nice music and atmosphere
I mean, there’s no cheat code to meeting people. It requires you to put yourself out there, and what better way to put yourself out there than to publicly enjoy things you enjoy?
Do things you’re interested in, self express (have fun with clothes, pins, patches, whatever, they make a good conversation starter), notice other people self expressing. As far as approaching people goes, it’s always safe to quickly compliment something somebody obviously put effort into, and then from there you can gauge whether they’re interested in more of a conversation.
An example being if somebody has clearly crocheted their bag or something, you could say something like “that is a great bag, did you make it?/where did you get it?” Big rule when complimenting is ALWAYS be ready to let a conversation end where it starts. You’re just throwing a ball into their court to see if they engage further than a “thank you!” You’re just throwing out a line to see who bites, because nobody owes you their attention, but somebody who wants to give it may make it clear if you open the floor.
Opening yourself up to rejection is difficult and scary, but also just a necessary part of making connections.
Library or bookstore, babeeeey
More likely the film schools were run by jews considering the movie industry
I mean, Lemmy is already named after Lemmy from Motorhead and Mastodon is…Mastodon
Where i am it’s too cold to snow rn 🙃
So gerrymandering is to blame
Yeah, but if you want to make a generalization, it’s likely the most appropriate one.
It’s very on-brand
Failing to prevent fascism is a pretty big failure.
Ok nerd