They’re really leaning into that slogan as well. I saw some of the other merch they are making and it’s all just awful. Someone probably made good money to come up with that.
They’re really leaning into that slogan as well. I saw some of the other merch they are making and it’s all just awful. Someone probably made good money to come up with that.
I work at a casino and can confirm that people will piss and shit themselves rather than get up from the game they are playing.
Release the kitties
IMHO…fuck yes! It’s a funny and clever movie that should’ve gotten more recognition but was overshadowed by other releases that same year. As a grown man on the edge of 40 it’s one of my favorite movies and never fails to get a laugh. Endlessly quotable, lots of clever little jokes and gags that are hilarious when you notice them.
I’d say it’s absolutely worth at least one watch and if you like it enough to watch it again you’ll definitely notice some things that you didn’t the first time around and get a whole new set of laughs.
I have a laptop running Linux Mint I only use for hosting bar trivia. I only need it to run like 4 applications but I need them to run flawlessly. The last time I updated it jacked up my soundboard, which I didn’t notice until I was in front of a crowd and it played the wrong sound effects. Never again.
Thanks for the detailed info!
I use PocketCasts but all of the responses here are making me consider trying out AntennaPod.
Root the phone and remove insane garbage like that. Rip and tear until it is done.
As someone who has wanted an Eigenharp since they were first announced years ago but could never afford one this seems like an awesome (if not quite as polished) alternative.
I sure am. I actually work at the casino so I’m lucky enough to see it every day.