This is fascinating and badass. Now I want a crazy neon pink gemstone.
This is fascinating and badass. Now I want a crazy neon pink gemstone.
Fuck yea this is the best news ever and that trailer looks amazing 😍
My dad gave me his old Panasonic TV that he bought back in '08 with the Bush stimulus money. That big fucker is a bitch to move and puts out an ungodly amount of heat, but it’s still going strong and I refuse to get rid of it.
The bacon and cigarettes time travel bit was my absolute favorite.
The bacon and cigarettes time travel bit was my absolute favorite.
So I ask Bert (my grey) every night “Are you ready?” before putting him to bed and I never really thought about it until the day he screamed it back at me as I was leaving for work one morning. I was in fact not ready at all and it was brutal coming from him.
In my heart I know that these children are in desperate need of love but my brain says they all need a good smack in the mouth.
I just want to say that baby’s turkey costume is using dish gloves for the “feet” and it’s so derpy that I love it.
Is this one new fad I don’t know about because I have a neighbor who’s done this exact same thing?
I’ve been buying the crushed Chaos boxes for MTG cards at my local Walmart this year. These things have probably been sitting in storage forever instead of being sent back but I grab them when I see them. They’ve been real good to me. I pulled a Rhystic Study, Ragavan, Ao the sky dawn, and a Junji the Midnight Sky out of them this summer.
“I’m wearing a shirt that makes a man want to buy me another shirt.”
I mean it’s covering his bitch tits; it’s not his fault they sit so low.
Oh there are plenty but recently he declared my husband to be a “Bert-hole.” He knows how to say and use the word “asshole” but in this case he replaced “ass” with his own name. They both love to irritate each other.
Mine occasionally does a swearword role call. To be fair he came to me with this vocabulary and I don’t have kids so I let him get it out of his system. What’s really funny is that he’ll mix and match words to make up something completely new. I have to make sure he doesn’t see or hear me laughing at it to ensure he isn’t getting the reaction he wants. First rule of parrots is that if it gets a reaction it’s game on.
I for one would be really excited to get a free scorpion.
I dare say that the shoplifters aren’t even bothering going through the self checkout as a pretense.
That’s really sad. It’s the equivalent of putting lab rats in a cage with a cocaine/amphetamine button.
That’s pretty cool! I’ll have to check this place out.
You know I’ve said “dude” all my life and I still use it all the time in regards to everyone. If I saw that someone was genuinely offended at being called dude I wouldn’t use it again with that person, but now that I really think about it I don’t think I’ve ever heard the term in a derogatory way. Like ever. For me it’s always been a happy/inclusive word for addressing friends. My only worry for now is that saying it shows my age.