I think the miscommunication here is in the function. I agree with you, that you can use Spotify to find all kinds of music, and even incredibly niche music if you dig around. What the user you replied to wants is to be able to find that incredibly niche/hyper-specific music with a single search query.
If that user wants to discover music like the band Tool, but has never heard of the band Tool, they want to be able to type “complex polyrhythmic prog metal with tribal trance undertones” and have it spit out Tool, Lucid Planet, etc. Spotify can’t do that. Tool is popular enough where it isn’t a great example. But even still the best you could do is look at their curated lists for prog metal and polyrhythm and come up with what you want after skipping through some bands. And you would find things like Dream Theater and Periphery on those playlists which couldn’t be further apart from Tool and each other, despite sharing a general genre.
I legitimately can’t tell if you are saying that ironically or not.
Don’t you mean banned library books?
The difference is that your average crackhead/tweaker copper thief knows a sketchy scrap yard that will pay them a discounted rate for the copper cable and not ask any questions. It’s unlikely they know where to unload stole fiber optic cable.
The sign is less to discourage theft than to prevent damage by copper thieves who are unaware of the difference and attempt to steal the cable.
I wonder when london will get its
Convenient that the parables and commands suggesting persecution of those different than yourself must be taken literally, but when Jesus says something that impacts you directly, suddenly he’s a master of metaphor.
Is it the 50 year old teacher/coach/priest touching 15 year old boys, or is it the 15 year old boy inside the 50 year old just exploring his sexuality?
I firmly believe there is a massive difference between confessing/divulging info about your co-conspirators, and accusing your abuser to authority. One is snitching, the other is how the concept justice is supposed to work.
In that case, I will simplify. Your opinion/position/belief is incorrect.
“Snitching” is the act of telling an authority figure information that gets them into trouble. Telling an authority figure the name of a bully falls firmly under this category, as does telling mom your older brother smashed your toy, telling the cops you saw Jim Bob break into Joe Johnson’s car while driving by, and admitting to the DA that you and Bob shot the sheriff to avoid getting additional charges related to someone else’s murder of the deputy.
Merriam Webster: To inform, tattle; to give information (as to the authorities) about another’s improper or unlawful activities
Cambridge: to secretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something bad, often in order to cause trouble
Oxford LD: to tell a parent, teacher, etc. about something wrong that another child has done
I don’t think the framing is iffy at all. There is no distinction in the phrase limiting it to only conspirators. Snitching is snitching.
You are latching onto the bullying aspect and adding emotional context to a simple comic with a straightforward pun.
The only thing to look forward to with climate change is that Florida will eventually disappear.
I don’t know who the author of this is, but I wish they were my friend.
The bill was filed on November 20 by Garcia, a Republican
Was anyone really unsure of her party affiliation by this point in the article?
I imagined you using voice to text and you have an accent like Cheech Marin.
Desoxyn is legally prescribed meth. Adderall isn’t quite the same thing, but Desoxyn definitely is.
Not entirely true. Methamphetamine has two enantiomers, dextro-methamphetamine and levo-methamphetamine. Desoxyn is 100% dextro-methamphetamine, while most street meth will be a racemic mixture containing practically equal amounts of each enantiomer.
Which to be honest if you ask heavy amphetamine users amphetamine and methamphetamine aren’t that different anyway.
I would say this isn’t true either. Both impact the CNS is much the same way, but the addition of the methyl group allows for meth to much more easily cross the blood brain barrier, producing markedly more psychological and euphoric effects. Methamphetamine also lasts 2-3 times as long.
Not to speak for them, but likely that the meteoric rise of the word “unhoused” as used in the title of this post is a ridiculous trend. Homeless people need shelter, not a new and supposedly less offensive word to describe them. Not to mention “unhoused” does not even sound even remotely nicer than “homeless.”
I was forced to sing it in school in the 90s. Along with the Jamba The Hutt/McDonalds song.
That sounds like an issue with your computer rather than W11. I just used Etcher on my W11 desktop to flash Mint XFCE yesterday with no issues.