I completely agree with your comment; the idea that a total stranger would assume you play so much Factorio specifically based on just your looks is very funny to me. I imagine an individual just plastered in Factorio paraphernalia.
I completely agree with your comment; the idea that a total stranger would assume you play so much Factorio specifically based on just your looks is very funny to me. I imagine an individual just plastered in Factorio paraphernalia.
I really appreciate you taking the time to clear that up for me, I see what you mean now. I was never really into scary movies but the kind of movie you’ve described sounds really interesting.
How do you mean “close the circle” in this case? Do you mean the writers of the films were trying to limit the amount of characters involved in the story? I read through the link but I’m not sure I understand what you mean by the “circle” stuff.
Don’t have one, lend me yours?
Is that how that works? I’m not trying to be antagonistic or anything, I just heard the opposite is true when it comes to why bridges develop ice sooner than typical roadways do; because the ground holds more heat than the cold air does
A revolution doesn’t have to mean a sort of military coup, what we would have to attack is their sources of capital, the flow of wealth flowing upward. Something like general strikes and mass unionization to put control of capital back into the hands of the working class.
What do you expect? It’s rock hard
I kinda figure that the pole isn’t secure in the ground, like whoever installed it did it poorly and not deep enough into the ground. When you back up into it, it begins to tip over until you have the top under the car. When you try going forward, it rights itself. I’ve seen something similar with different kinds of poles and when they are upright, they look completely fine.
I figure that if you backed up with enough force to drive up the pole, the bumper would be more damaged.
I guess, but wasn’t the point of bumble to turn that on it’s head? Like, traditionally, the guy on a dating site is supposed to come up with a semi-witty first text in order to not be buried. Bumble set itself apart by having the lady message first to avoid that, right? What happened?
They’re saying that people who are buying these sorts of vehicles on Craigslist would pay so much more money for such a simple addition. It’s kind of like how people in the early 2000’s would add a rear wing to their car and call it a sports car; if you add a snorkel, it’s now a off-road vehicle and worth much more in those peoples eyes.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but shit, man.
Why is this guy being downvoted? Is there an implication of Folgers endorsing Trump? Is it implied that his liking Folgers is because of their Trump endorsement?
I’m genuinely asking, I’m hella out of the loop
I fully expected it to stick a fork in that socket
I think it’s a flash drive; you plug it into your phone, load files onto it, unplug it then plug it into the computer.
It’s more likely than you think.
This seems like some shit dudes from 10,000 years ago would be doing
inb4 the new AI generated Robin Williams standup special
I think he meant that the radar operators would be unable to literally see it, like with their eyes.
I wish someone would answer you instead of thanking you in advance, I’d like to know too