I mean, I would still file a complaint with whatever relevant government agency, worst that could happen is that things stay the same I figure.
I mean, I would still file a complaint with whatever relevant government agency, worst that could happen is that things stay the same I figure.
In the US at least that is very much illegal, though I am going to guess this isn’t in the US.
Technically that’s still on appeal, and tbh I do expect it to get overturned somewhere.
Oh they absolutely condone it, both by frequently ignoring reports of fake reviews and occasionally even banning the reporter and by allowing companies to do that thing where they swap product pages to get a bunch of free reviews from something completely different.
I’m sorry, Amazon complained about fake reviews!? They know what site they run right, and more to the point the behavior they almost explicitly condone on that site?
For the record, if you want to change the fact that the US president is not elected by popular vote, depending on your state there’s an initiative called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact), where a bunch of states are setting up trigger laws so that when enough states with enough electoral college votes have signed it into law, each of those states will vote for the candidate who won the popular vote.
Ok, why is there an RSS feed button is my question.
Holy shit that’s even doomy-er than me, and I very much doubt that I will ever be able to afford to retire and am skeptical that society is going to last long enough for that to be a meaningful concern.
Sounds like you need glasses to me bro.
Sounds like you’re just an introvert to me, that’s pretty typical of introverts from what I’ve seen.
IIRC the reason military spending is so extreme is because the US military is required by law to have the paperwork to prove their entire supply chain is domestic, as part of a worst case readiness thing. Could be wrong though, not like I’ve really looked into it all that much.
Yeah, american libertarians call themselves the wrong thing. The more correct term I find would be anarcho-capitalist, which is just all around a completely non-viable economic and governance system.
I guess the saying is literal now: " the right would eat shit if it meant the left had to smell it".