Adolf Tittler
Just an old fart from down under here to read some cool content and have some laughs along the way.
Adolf Tittler
A baptism of fryer
It certainly does feel like they are pushing their confectionary product down our throats.
Edit: grammar
“Dear Mars, I was unable to enjoy my recently purchased Mars Bar as it was missing the trademark thick veins running down its shaft.”
Joe Bitin’
It should have been $Googol instead.
From creating toe tappers to taping her toes.
A minute for every inch apparently. Arnold Palmer then followed up with a 2 minute speech about Trump.
I think they just mean Euros for anyone buying gay gifts.
Russian dolls dongs
Could you count the number of stains and then refer to it as stainfewer steel.
Rereads Tesla’s mission statement.
“Accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”
Stares at 3 ton lump of stainless steel parked in driveway.
Apparently it is set in the same cinematic universe as Surviving R. Kelly.
Is it pronounced Z or Z? I personally say Z.
Except that you can …
Edit: I get you. You mean multiple cards within PayPal itself per vendor. Yeah, that seems like similar effort but at least you can see everything in one portal. I have a single card linked with just enough limit to cover subscriptions and the odd internet purchase.
Aussie here. One reason I use PayPal is for subscriptions (streaming services etc) to avoid the headache of updating credit card details in multiple places when I change bank, credit card renews, etc. just change it in PayPal once and every subscription keeps working.
JSON and the Argonaut RISC processors
Ray TraSON
That boss wears those deliberately and jokes about suffering from Long Trouser Syndrome (LTS) and that he really likes having LTS versus shorter attire.