‘Lemmygrad’s resident expert on fascism’ — GrainEater, 2024
‘The political desperadoes and ignoramuses, who say they would “Rather be Dead than Red”, should be told that no one will stop them from committing suicide, but they have no right to provoke a third world war.’ — Morris Kominsky, 1970
What I find frustrating about this is that if somebody found anything even resembling this in Palestine’s besieged territories, we know—we know—that the Herzlians would be referencing it for months on end as ‘more irrefutable evidence’ that all Palestinians are antisemites. In contrast, Azov’s very existence is about as important to Herzlians as a stubbed toe: ‘kinda bad’ but ‘no big deal’.
Umm… millions of Afrasians lived under Fascism, something that began in the 1920s. With all due respect to the Italian lower classes, their suffering differed in significant ways from that of their Libyan and Somali counterparts.
Huh? I thought that history started on October 7, 2023.
In the same vein, some Fascists refused to go to war against the RSI, while others joined the Royal Army, considering this the honorable (and Fascist) thing to do. In perhaps the greatest irony imaginable, eager draftees in May 1944 shouted “Hail Mussolini! Duce! Duce!” when in fact the army they were joining was at war with Mussolini.⁷⁵
On 25 July 1934, [pro‐Reich Austrians] launched a Putsch and assassinated Austrofascist Chancellor Dollfuss. While the [pro‐Reich] coup collapsed, the [pro‐Reich fascists] succeeded in sowing uncertainty and chaos.
wtf I love Trump now
This very costly underestimination sounds oddly familiar…
Anticommunists have extermination nailed down to a science.
Chile, the Eastern Front, Guatemala, Indonesia, Korea, Mozambique, Vietnam, & alibi. Good luck trying to find one anticommunist with the slightest concern in any of the destruction that his movement caused, though. If you have seen how Herzlians react to the IOF massacring Palestinians (even young ones), you already know what responses to expect to that incomplete compilation.
As far as I know, capital, the law of value, and generalized commodity production remain phenomenal in the PRC. Their prevalence does seem to be diminishing, though, which is one reason why I think that equating the PRC with something like Imperial America is wrong.
I think that he is only pretending to be one. Blockheads don’t become billionaires.
I actually agree that the PRC is still presocialist but at least I didn’t spit out your useless ‘lol fuk u’ reply.
As long as you aren’t a white cishet capitalist man, why should anybody care?
Nonwhites dying = Zzzzzzzz
In my experience, anticommunists tend to be pretty terrible at managing time. There were many German anticommunists in the 1940s who thought that the G.P.U. still existed.
invading poland side by side with the nazis
This would actually be a more accurate description of the Slovak Republic’s contribution to the Fascist invasion of Poland, though it is very rare to see anticommunists mention that even in passing. I wonder why. (Presumably they’d say that it is unimportant or uninteresting, of which—as I showed in my thread—it is neither.)
Yes, but I stopped updating the megathread because of the character limit. Seriously, I added so much content to the thread that our software couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve been thinking about using Github as an alternative, though I am inexperienced with that platform and I am unsure if others would want me to continue my compilation there.
Something tells me that if I invited anticommunists to check out a source with the self‐heroizing title of ‘RFvsMisinfo’, featuring a blood‐splattered photograph from the Munich conference and various sentences presupposing that any counterevidence is ‘Western propaganda’, they would feel more than a wee discouraged, too… just saying.
Sloppy propaganda aside, it is genuinely interesting to compare and contrast the Fascists’ dealings with other dictatorships of the bourgeoisie to their dealings with the people’s republics. It isn’t useful just for dunking on anticommies. For example:
And since somebody mentioned deportations of Jews:
Admittedly, I feel like a sicko for saying that these subjects ‘interest’ me… but hey, somebody has to get their hands dirty when studying these tragedies. It’s only fitting that the one doing the job most often would also be the one who can tolerate it the best.
An organization that bombastically calls itself ‘EUvsDisinfo’, splatters a diplomatic photograph with fake blood, and preemptively dismisses counterevidence as ‘pro‐Kremlin disinformation’ does not sound like something that has an interest in exploring this matter in good faith, but I can play along (for now). Simply put, your source leaves too much counterevidence unaddressed. This, for example:
The discussion in London took place on 24 April. Halifax also backed unilateral declarations. ‘A tri-partite pact on the lines proposed, would make war inevitable. On the other hand, he thought that it was only fair to assume that if we rejected Russia’s proposals, Russia would sulk.’ And then Halifax made this comment, almost as an afterthought: ‘There was… always the bare possibility that a refusal of Russia’s offer might even throw her into Germany’s arms.’⁸⁰ Was anyone listening? If you asked the British and French everyman’s opinion, war was already inevitable.
The failures of the previous five years to obtain agreements on collective security led Molotov to want to pin the French and British to the wall to make sure they would not leave the Soviet Union in the lurch against the Wehrmacht. This was not Soviet paranoia, it was Soviet experience. Would not any prudent diplomat in the same position, after years of being spurned, mistrust interlocutors like Chamberlain and Bonnet? Maiskii’s reports appear to have encouraged the Soviet government to invest in continued negotiations. The obduracy in Moscow derived from doubts about British and French intentions which Maiskii and Surits could not overcome, and that for good reason.
I know that I did not address everything in your link, but frankly I really doubt that you have the time, patience, or interest in reading a thoroughly sourced and exhaustive commentary on it. For simplicity’s sake I chose to focus on the denial that the liberal capitalists wanted a reinvasion of Soviet Eurasia.
‘Herzlian’ is a less vague, less euphemistic description of the phenomenon, since ‘Zion’ has many definitions, not all of them referring to a physical location, and I would much rather associate ethnonationalism with Theodor Herzl than Zion.