Here we go lads
You got my meaning, and yes maybe that is what the OC meant.
I think we’ve got to be a bit careful and keep our powder dry sometimes with trump stuff. Pretty much everything he does is bad and shocking, but if we overreact or exaggerate it makes people less likely to listen when it’s a really bad thing that might actually cur through. I’m pretty sure the reason he has got away with a lot of stuff so far is that people have just tuned out the constant noise.
I think it’s hyperbolic, that’s the whole point of my first comment
The examples given are about Trump limiting access for news agencies to the government, and trying to bully big news orgs. How would those things prevent someone writing a story about a public website disappearing?
Don’t get me wrong, what he’s doing is bad for press freedom and will have a chilling effect on the more complicated stories that need more journalistic input and explanation to gain traction and public understanding, but as I said “this kind of story” isn’t exactly complicated and saying “stories like this will disappear” is just not realistic.
No, I mean hysterical as in overly exaggerated due to high emotion.
Don’t you think that’s a bit of a hysterical take?
Stories like this one, someone noticing that a website has been taken down, will disappear??
It’s hardly the peak of investigative journalism or a complicated story requiring hundreds of hours of work by a trained journalist.
It’s not the same as the UK-Canada relationship either though, because the UK isn’t responsible for Canada’s defence and foreign policy.
Anyone who wants this kind of combo should read Peter Hamilton’s Commonwealth Saga (Pandora’s Star and Judas Unchained). Literally a society built around a train network connected with wormholes between planets.
Practice / testing new equipment?
by 2040 no metric ton of fossil fuels will be transported anymore
I seriously doubt it. Many countries are decarbonising like the UK has by getting rid of coal fired power stations and switching to renewables plus gas, because gas is a good way to solve the intermittency issues you get with many renewables. 2040 is not very far away, on that timescale the demand for LNG may actually go up.
It would be like me going to a place where people are discussing ASD and saying, “I think that executive dysfunction leans a little toward the ADHD side of things,”
I’m not the person you were talking to…but that would be absolutely fine? People can have more than one thing, and so many people with ASD have ADHD that in my opinion it’s not really like you have two totally distinct conditions. Like you say, there’s a huge symptom overlap and we may eventually discover that they share a lot of neurological similarities / developmental causes.
If you are someone who is trying to figure out what you have going on and the symptoms fit multiple conditions, then it would be totally legit to consider whether it’s ADHD or ASD, right?
I’m pretty sure in 50 years we will see the way a lot of these conditions are classified, ASD in particular, as very flawed. We are lumping so many very different symptoms into one basket that you could have two people with ASD who are completely different, and it tells you almost nothing about what to expect from a person to know they have ASD.
Seconded. They are great novels, and quite original!
Big whoosh
Sounds maddening!
Mostly I was posting the information above in case someone else has a beeping fire alarm system as it might be like our one and not like yours. I can’t imagine that one took off!
I’ve lived in a place with a fire alarm system like that, but the beep is because the backup battery is flat or the unit needs to be replaced.
Most smoke detectors are essentially a small radioactive lump with a Geiger counter next to it; if smoke gets in between it blocks the radiation and if the number of radiation “hits” falls below a threshold in a set time period the alarm goes off. So, as radioactive things have a half life, there’s a point where the radiation emitted falls below the original threshold and you need to replace it. We fucked around with the batteries in ours for ages assuming one of them was low, but eventually replaced the detector itself and the beeping stopped.
All of this also applies to women saying horrible things being called out by other women who they respect / think are part of their social group.
And only to men, because of course there aren’t any women who hate on trans people!
Yeah good point, it was more than just twitter.
YouTube definitely know they have an issue and don’t care, or they would do something about it. Radicalising people with extreme content increases engagement which makes them money, the only thing that will make them change it is regulation (with teeth).
The mad thing about the result is that the Dems spent so much more money and still lost. Not that you can easily quantify the financial value of changing the algorithm on twitter to favour Trump.