Now I gotta go listen to The Dead Milkmen
Now I gotta go listen to The Dead Milkmen
My cat loves pets… but he chooses when.
You have to live with a dog that doesn’t like pets / pats.
Here’s mine (sorry it took so long, I’m shy)
I’m, in fact, not a horse. I only pretend to be one on the Internet.
Mold. So. Much. Mold.
Where else are you supposed to put your pants?
Look. I-- I’d had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, ‘That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah.’
The old Subway jingle is now playing in my head.
I’m a Space Dog, half space, half dog! I’m my own best friend.
There was also the American “Bacon / Cook” diving team that should have been “Cook / Bacon”.
Anthill Mob from Wacky Races.
Any minor inconvenience:
“That’s it. I’m getting me mallet”