Kinda cool to be in the front row seat tho ngl
Kinda cool to be in the front row seat tho ngl
This is what Android users get for pining after Samsung despite them being first in line after Apple to remove most of these. JFC they made a phone that exploded and they STILL lead the market.
(yes, I use android too)
order corn
It’s pretty easy! This is my desktop right now. I do like it a liiitle less gaudy and my mac use at work means that I prefer my window controls on the left instead of the right.
I’m dying, we really out here trying to convince people to leave Twitter for a site that uses the word “reskeet”
I can still hear the white noise ringing of the hard drives that hit you as soon as you walked in. So good
Oh, I honestly just assumed the “but bacon tho” title was completely unironic. I still see shit like that all the time
But… The post is already encouraging people to eat meat. Like this post is literally designed to pester people who don’t eat meat, but then the meat eating people got mad anyway
Fastest way to get anyone offended is to even remotely imply they could change the way they eat… Jesus y’all are vitriolic WTF?
You really can meet anybody on the internet. It’s almost fascinating to me, as weird as it sounds lol
Hope you have a good day
Here ya go :)
Or .ml
Holy shit are you real? Are there really people who still think like this?
Over/Under on the amount of time before that logo gets removed?
Yeah, I’m usually a big stickler for making sure I’m saying something right, but that name was tongue twistering me from the first time I tried to say it out loud. And we don’t even use them and weren’t hit in any way lol
Yeah, used to live in bumfuck PA and can definitely understand this. It’s either Walmart or some obscenely overpriced “local” place that gets half of their stuff from the same place and then upcharges $2 on everything.
The fact that it looks like you think that the “brown stuff” is the issue there is really funny
Yeah, like almost always what? Almost always hitting dismiss on all of the phone number verification and 2fa prompts because they’re “annoying”?
Insert surprised Pikachu face here
So this is how I’m gonna get radicalized huh