My Blåhajar: Definitely not Hitlers, and also of course alive.
My Blåhajar: Definitely not Hitlers, and also of course alive.
Also, don’t use Windows.
So, you create a file with the name containing å. Then you send it to another person. They want to handle it via the command line. Because it’s more efficient. So that person needs to know said information.
Because you would need to know the code for å in all kb layouts, on all OS’s, even in a bare terminal with no way to just open the emoji picker, with or without special keys and no clipboard. Of course, tab completion or globs may help you, but not in all cases.
Try to select blåhaj.txt in a dir with blåhaj.txt and blahaj.txt present. Easy, ls bl*haj.txt | grep -i blahaj.txt. Now with blåhaj.txt and bløhaj.txt. Not as easy anymore, but doable with tail -n1 or head -n1. Now do it consistently in a script. So you again need to single out the right string, or single char, and >> it into the script so you have the special char. Then you have a component that does not like certain special chars, so you need to escape it. All because one decided to use special chars as a file name/identifier. Using [a-zA-Z0-9-_.:;,]* would be so easy.
He unironically looks so cuddly :333 Good boy <3 I bet he likes snoot boops with that smile :33
It’s annoying to type in the terminal tho.
Ich bin gelegentlich noch dabei, neue Dienste aufzusetzen, eine geteilte Ablage für alle Geräte in meinem Netzwerk hin zu bekommen, sobald wir Glasfaser bekommen und ich meinen Zweitwohnsitz in Frankfurt habe muss ich dann sämtliche Netzwerke umgestalten:
Also mein Bogen funktioniert einfach. Nach ein bisschen Konfiguration ist es auch Benutzer Tauglich. Und das dauert nicht mal länger, als Fenster ein zu richten und den unnötigen Krempel runter zu schmeißen. Andere wert geschätzte Nutzer wie werden dir dabei helfen.
Noooooo what did you do to that poor shonky :ccc
Latein hab ich tatsächlich abgebrochen. War aber auch Überschmutz mMn. Oder ich war einfach nur übelst schlecht darin. Ich kenne lediglich nur noch “sum fui esse, jetzt gibt es auf die Fresse”. Und genau so wenig, wie ich Nix im Lateinischen kenne, kenne ich NixOS. Wie ist das so?
As “nix” is slang for “nothing” in german, you just said “Nothing is awesome”. Which isn’t true, because Linux is.
Considering “being ruined” is a state, and not a scale, the dev is already ruined, because it’s not Linux.
Is it even possible to not do that? Like at some point I configured x to rely on y, but when fixing z I need to change y so x breaks.
We do that. But at some point, it has to stop. We can’t just say “one last client” when new ones come in right after the previous leaves, and you don’t want to be unfair. And cleaning takes HOURS. Even in a small fast food restaurant. You need to strategically close things down, preferably things we’re out of anyway.
I can research a new PC, fix my Arch, introduce new tools to my Arch and eat at the same time.
No. But somebody may be.
Yes, but
float Q_rsqrt(float number) {
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
return y;
Every political position should just be done by a Blåhaj.